Chapter 5: Nonacceptance

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Mary Elizabeth hurried back into the house from the garage and up to her office to retrieve the grocery list she had almost left without.

As she approached her office she heard a noise from inside. Entering the room she didn't immediately see anything that could have made the noise. Then she saw that the closet door was ajar.

Mary Elizabeth knew that door was definitely closed when she was in here writing her grocery list earlier, so she moved towards it to investigate. She opened the door further and discovered, there before her was Angelo, rummaging among the feminine attire.

"Angelo," Mary Elizabeth yelled, startling the boy."How many times do I have to tell you I don't want you getting into those girl clothes anymore?"

Angelo thought his foster mother had already left for the market to buy groceries when he snuck into the room. Now he stood there before her, naked, aside from a pair of sheer black pantyhose. He had been in the midst of attempting to fasten a black lace bra on his body when Mary Elizabeth unexpectedly walked in.

Mary Elizabeth stood there waiting for an answer from Angelo, as he stared down at his toes, looking so slim and lovely framed in reinforced nylon.

The action of putting on pantyhose, rolling them down to put on his feet, carefully pulling the hose up each leg, smoothing the nylon material and pulling them up over his rear, was something he thoroughly loved.

Instead of immediately answering his foster mom, Angelo turned away from her and paraded before the mirror, turning as a model would on a runway, smiling.

In the mirror, he could see his thin ankles, neatly turned calves, lovely knees, and slender thighs. His legs were firm but showed none of the muscular masculine characteristics most boys had.

"Oh mommy, I know, but just this once more, please?" he finally answered, pleading.

"No, Angelo, and you know why. I expect Anna to drop by one of these days soon, and she'll probably have a supervisor with her from child protection services. I don't want you to get caught acting all girly. You know they will take you from me if they do. Now take those hose off and get into your boy jeans and tee shirt and running shoes."

Angelo loved his foster mother, and he really didn't like displeasing her, but the fact was, he felt natural and much more comfortable in girl's outfits.

He knew that with his slight frame, longish hair and effeminate mannerisms when he dressed as a boy he looked like a "sissy boy." It often brought him ridicule, while as a girl all he heard was praises for his natural beauty.

"OK, mommy," he said, and Mary Elizabeth headed back out of the room, grocery list in hand.

As soon as he heard his mom exit the front door, he ran to his room and pulled on his tightest pair of boy jeans, the sheer hose still on his legs.

He had decided that if he had to present as a boy, at least he would feel pretty underneath. As he sat on his bed and pull on a pair of socks over the hose, he knew that with every step he took, the jeans rubbing against the sheer hose would send an unmistakably feminine sensation up and down his legs.


Several afternoons later, Angelo sat on the couch, his right leg tucked under his left, holding a book, his fluffy stuffed kitten resting next to him.

This afternoon, just as every afternoon this week, he was once again wearing a pair of sheer pantyhose hidden underneath his jeans and socks.

The book he was engrossed in was the second book in the "Traveling Pants" series.
The book concerned a trio of 15-year-old girls who were quickly growing into young womanhood and learning about life.

My Foster Mom Wanted A Daughter -  Book 2 Of A SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now