Chapter 28 : Brother

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Over the course of the next week, Angelo spent a lot of time thinking about Jason and how he was being treated by him.

Angelo was still having a hard time wrapping his head around Jason's acceptance. He had so convinced himself that there was no way Jason would be able to not have some kind of bad feelings for him. What guy wouldn't, finding out that the girl he had feelings for was really a guy tricking him?

Since that first meeting on Monday, every time Angelo saw Jason, Jason was the perfect gentleman. He was very sweet and understanding towards Angelo and treated him like nothing less than a girl. Not once did Jason ever give any indication that he was upset at finding out the truth.

So far, everything was going well for Angelo.

At this point, no one at school had figured out his secret. The only people that knew, were the school administrators and the group of friends that he had told. Not even his teachers knew that Angelo and Angelica were the same person.

On Thursday afternoon of that first week, Angelo got off the bus and began walking toward his house.

The cold winter wind burned his ears and cheeks as it whipped past his head. He shivered to feel the cold swirl around his legs and up his skirt.

These tights aren't thick enough, why, oh why didn't I wear jeans this morning, he thought to himself.

Angelo reached up, and pulled the hood of his coat over his head, as a car approached from in front of him. The car slowed as it neared Angelo and he noticed the passenger window was being rolled down.

Angelo didn't think too much about it, but as the car pulled alongside him, the driver stopped, and called out, "Hey baby, where ya goin'? It's too cold to be walkin'. Does miss sexy thang need a ride? I kin take ya. Kno' what I'm sayin'?"

Angelo stopped and looked in through the window. The young male driver, who appeared to be eighteen or nineteen, had long, greasy hair, bloodshot eyes, dry, cracked lips and a goofy grin on his face.

Angelo didn't like the smell coming out of this car. It was the unmistakable odor of weed. He knew this because it was the same smell he had smelt on his cousin, who smoked just about every day.

"No thank you," Angelo responded.

"Well sexy, can I least get yo num'er?"

What was this guy doing? He was starting to make Angelo nervous.

Instead of answering the guy, Angelo picked up the pace, trying to get to the safety of his house, as quickly as possible.

The boy put his car in reverse and slowly began backing up, staying next to Angelo.

Continuing to look towards his house, Angelo loudly called out, "Leave me alone!"

"No needs to get hostile, baby. Kno' what I'm sayin'" the guy responded. "I'm not tryna kidnap you. I just want to ax you out, ya know. I thinks you's pretty cute."

"Sorry," Angela called out to the boy, "but I'm not interested. Besides, I'm only thirteen."

"Thirteen,sh*t? Is you sure, hun? Youse not lyin' to me is you, kno' what I'm sayin'?"

"No, I'm not lying," Angelo yelled. "I am thirteen and you are creeping me out."

Realizing Angelo was serious, the guy's attitude changed and he responded, "Whoa, hold up lil filly. . . I's sorry. I was sure you had to be at least sixteen. Man, I don't needs ta go back to no jail."

And with that, he put the car in drive and sped away.

Angelo had been more than a little nervous about the situation as it was happening, but now, he was able to take a deep breath, exhale, and think about what had just happened.

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