Chapter 22 : Deserving

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The costume party was mainly a dance party with a costume contest, in which boys and girls usually came with friends, in groups usually of the same sex. Rarely did any of the teens come with dates.

Tanya told Angelo that there would be a disc jockey by the name of Malcolm McKinley, one of the senior students. He was pretty well known around town as a DJ and he had an extensive collection of music ranging from EDM to sweet jazz to hip-hop.

"When the boys see you, looking like this, they are definitely gonna want to dance with you, Angela," she said, continuing to use his female name. "Don't let them make you feel like you have to dance with them. You can refuse, you know."

"No, I want to try to be friends. I think I wanna experience that. I actually hope you're right. I think I'm girl enough to pull it off, don't you?"

"Oh my yes. Even your voice is feminine enough that no one would ever suspect anything."

There were plenty of adult chaperones at the dance, and a strict admission policy was followed, to keep out trouble from other schools. Only students and their pre-registered guest were allowed to enter. Tanya had registered Angelo as "Angela Davies," a student from the Arts High School.

For the first half hour, as the kids began to fill the school gymnasium, only a handful ever tried to dance, in spite of much urging from DJ Malcolm, a chubby black boy with a sunny personality.

Tanya introduced Anglo to many of her girlfriends, all of who expressed astonishment at the marvelous costume. They all agreed that he really did look like the Disney Cinderella.

Tanya dressed up as Kim Kardashian, wearing butt padding that included a champagne glass on top of her butt just like Kim had on her's in her photo that "broke the Internet."

"Oh my God. Look who's here," Tanya exclaimed as she pointed to a group of kids gathered around the food table.

Angelo looked that way and immediately saw both Jason - the boy from his school, and his friend from the mall, Gary.

"The boys from the mall," Angelo said. "You know Jason goes to my school."

"Yes, I know that. And, Gary goes here. He's been pestering me, but I kept telling him I have a boyfriend."

"Let's go. I can't be seen here by Jason. He's the boyfriend of one of my friends. He sees me every day and tells me I remind him of a pretty girl he met in the mall. I'm afraid if he sees me again like this he'll figure it all out."

"No, Angela. We're not leaving. We've spent too much time making you into Cinderella. Besides, I think you've got the best costume here, and you might win."

Angelo nodded, and responded with a simple, "okay." As much as he wanted to, he knew it wouldn't be right to leave Tanya's party, since she had worked so hard on getting him here, looking this good.

Angelo got several dance invitations from boys, and they went off without incident. Angelo meekly accepted their request, usually with the boys being awkward and unable to think of anything more to say that they liked the costume and to ask
where he went to school.

Angelo replied shyly, not encouraging any further conversation. One of the dances was a slow ballad, encouraging his partner, a slender bespectacled boy, to try to hold him tightly. The boy's hand, he realized had wandered down to the small of his back. Angelo was saved by his wide dress that made it difficult for the boy to get too close.

"You're pretty and you dance good," the boy said as the dance ended. "Can I call you sometime?"

"My mom won't let me go out with boys yet," he said, shyly. He kept his voice soft, giving it a bit of a "little girl" character.

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