Chapter Three

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The next day and school was on the agenda.  Unlike most of my mates, I actually looked forward to school.  After the chaotic weekend I had undergone, it was a predictable environment.  In some ways I felt happiest there.

I was generally not too bad in most subjects.  I had always been interested in learning new things and as far as I was concerned it was better to be here, with my friends, than at home.

Chris was my closest friend; we had bonded over having God Squad parents and a love of any and all junk food.   Lyla went here as well and although we hung around in a large group, it was often just the three of us.   Lyla was the only one who knew the full extent of my home life.

Although I felt it was a risk, I had been forced to confide in her and she had promised not to tell.  It would have been impossible to have a relationship otherwise.  My mood swings had been so erratic in my attempts to keep it from her, in the end I just gave in.   She had cried when she first saw the fresh marks on my body.  But she had promised to keep my secret, especially after I told her what happened when I ran away.  I had been scared that she would run a mile when she found out.   After all who wants all the extra stress? She hadn't though and if anything it had brought us closer.  It was hard to find time to be alone together though.  Going to my house was a no-no and well, I wasn't that welcome at her place now.

I had been banished to my room after my Bible punishment and I hadn't been able to call Lyla yesterday.  When she walked in the door, I felt her eyes searching for me, worriedly.   Seeing me she smiled widely and came over and hugged me.

"Are you okay?" She whispered into my ear. "When I called he said you were grounded and not allowed to use the phone..."

"They were back already when I got home on Saturday night..."

"Oh" she gasped quietly.

"It's ok, it wasn't too bad" I lied, feeling my stomach ache.  Her eyes were wary and my heart sank; it was my fault she was always so worried.

"Let's just not talk about it please."  I said heavily.

"Ok" she replied, stroking my cheek.

"Break it up, break it up young loves dream" boomed Chris.  He and other members of the gang around us smirked.  Lyla turned and glared at him.

"Jealous much? Not enough time to service yourself in the bathroom this morning?" she teased.

Chris pretended to be outraged. "I'll have you know that as a good Christian boy, we just don't do that sort of thing!"

The group laughed.  Pleasuring himself, one way or another, was all he ever talked about.  

The bell for break to finish rang clear. C hris swung his arm around Lyla as they began to walk off.

"However, I think it is my moral duty to warn you about fraternizing with MR Fletcher here.  I learned yesterday that he is both a social deviant and a drug abuser.  Let me explain..." 

 I followed behind as Chris filled Lyla in with his own version of Sunday's Church events.

I got home from school after hanging around with Chris for a while, having a kick about.   I couldn't leave it too late; I wasn't going to risk getting home later than Mum again.   I wasn't that stupid.  Chris understood that sometimes I had to go and didn't want to explain why.  Having to say "My mum wants me home by 5pm" is hard to say when you are sixteen.  Although I had never told him about the physical side of Tony's temper, he knew my home life was far from good.  

As he was a member of the church, he was the one friend that my parents approved of.  They didn't mind that much if I went to his house.  I wouldn't say they went so far as encouraging it, because that would imply that they would take the time to care.  I was pretty sure that he had seen some bruises as I often stayed over at his house, but to his credit, he never mentioned it and that was just what I needed. 

Truth was, I was ashamed and afraid.  Though I trusted Chris immensely, if he told his mother, then the whole church would know about it by the end of the day, such were the gossip spreading abilities of Jane Price.   It wasn't worth the chance.

When I got in, the house was quiet.  I smiled, pleased at the chance for some quiet time, when I wasn't on edge.  I dumped my school bag in the hallway, and went into the kitchen to get a drink of squash. I drained it in one and cleaned and dried the glass.  No excuses for them to start today, I thought. 

As I swept the tea towel along the counter tops, I accidentally knocked off a letter that had been left by the side.  Picking it up, I noticed my name on it.   It was the headed paper of a solicitor's office, the paper thick and expensive.  I read on.  

Words and phrases jumped out at me, 'visitation', 'regular access', 'contact order'. "On behalf of Max Fletcher".  My Dad.  My real Dad.  He wanted to see me.  

Before I had the chance to read it all through and take it in, a hand snatched it from me.

"That's not yours!" Mum screeched. 

I had been so engrossed in the letter that I hadn't heard her come in.  Her face was full of anger.  Over her shoulder I could see Hannah peering tentatively around the corner, a scared look on her face.

"It just fell..." I started backing away.

"You aren't to read other peoples mail" she said, stuffing it into her pocket.

"But it was about me Mum." I said gently.  She looked up at me, flustered.  I hadn't seen her like this in a long while.

"Yes, yes it was." She stared into the distance. "He's threatening to take me to court if I won't let him see you."  She leant against the cabinet, almost steadying herself.

Thoughts raced through my mind, 'he wants to see me, he is willing to go to court to see me, why now?'

 There was silence for a moment.

"God knows why, what a disappointment you'd be to him" she said remembering herself.

"Can I see him?" I asked boldly.

"That will be up to your father"  She jabbed her finger hard into my chest. "The one who stuck by us – he can decide."  She mumbled, her mind somewhere else.

I wasn't expecting him to say yes.   I had already accepted that it wasn't going to happen.  I wouldn't see him, not unless he went to court like he supposedly threatened.   Why would he go to that trouble?   He didn't know me.  He hadn't seen me since I was 8 years old.  Why did he suddenly care? 

We sat eating dinner together. Hannah was telling us about her day in school, and how she had done well on her spelling test.  There was a lull for a moment as she ate her carrots.

"Honey" My mother began, "I got this letter the other day".

I saw her pass over the letter from my father.  Tony uncrumpled it and read it slowly, his brow furrowing deeper as it went along.

"What do you think?" she asked when he looked up.

"Let him take us to court" he growled.

"We could" she said seeming to agree.  There was a pause. "However, he's never got a lawyer involved before.  It seems serious now and a lot of hassle to fight it.  Why not let him see Jake?  It takes him off our hands for a bit; let his father deal with him for a change."

Tony paused, looking across at me.  I looked at my hands.

"Whatever you think, Eva, but I don't want him anywhere near you.  Do you understand?  He has hurt you enough. I don't want the past dredged up for you." He gripped her hand.

She leaned across and gave him a kiss.

"OK babe, I think you are right. I don't want to see him anyway" she replied. "He's a piece of shit" she said looking at me.

"Like father like son" he sneered.

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