Chapter Seventeen

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The curtain fell and the applause rang loud in my ears.  Around the school hall, I could hear a few people call out and a few whistles as well.  The show had been a success. 

As I held hands with the other cast members and we took our final bow, I felt that I had achieved something special.  I had never acted before and I had been concerned that I wouldn't be able to do it; to learn all the lines, to not feel self conscious.  But something happened when I started to act.  I felt lost within my character, I wasn't aware of anyone outside.  In a way, pretending to be someone else made me feel free.  I am glad Mr Rhodes had pushed me to try out or I would have never experienced this feeling.

As we finished our final bow, Mr Rhodes came running onto the stage, microphone in hand.  We applauded him as he came on and he gave a little bow himself.

"I just want to thank all of the cast members, and of course the backstage crew, for all of their hard work for what I hope you'll agree was a brilliant performance."

The crowd clapped again.

"I hope you will join me in a special applause for our Lead, Jacob Fletcher, as I am sure it will surprise you to know that this is his first time on stage."

The crowd burst into more heated applause, and I felt my face heat up with a mixture of pride and embarrassment.   I bowed slightly.

The curtain fell for the last time and Mr Rhodes came up to me and patted me on the back. "Jake, that was amazing.  Even better than rehearsals."  His eyes danced with delight.

"Thanks sir"

"Now go and see your family, I am sure they are dying to speak to you." He grinned.

It took me a few minutes to get out of the backstage area and out into the hall.  People kept stopping and congratulating me; even people that I didn't know.   It was weird.  It felt strange to hear them say these positive things but I drank it all in.

Before I saw them, I heard two separate squeals.  Kai and Hannah came running towards me from separate directions.

"Jake you were great"

"Jake, you were good, but it was boring."

I hugged them both.

"Kai, this is Hannah.  Hannah this is Kai."

Kai surveyed Hannah. "Hey, Jake said we are almost the same age"

Max and Jane came up to us.  Max pulled me into a big bear hug. 

"Son, you were just wonderful." He said breathlessly; his eyes shining with pride.

Jane was next, giving me a long squeeze.

Once she let me go, I noticed Mum and Tony standing there.  I was surprised that they had even come.  When Mum had heard that Max was going, and with Jane, she had suddenly been more interested.  

Mum hesitated for just a second and then hugged me.  Tony did the same, patting me heavily on the back.  I knew they were just keeping up their own performances.

"That was a great performance, don't you think Eva?" said Max.

She nodded but her expression was focused on Jane.

"Oh yes, I don't believe you have met my wife.  Jane; this is Eva and Tony."

They all shook hands.  I watched as Mum continued to be entranced on Jane.

"My son, Kai." He looked around.  Kai and Hannah were off playing together with a rogue balloon. "Well I guess that must be Hannah."

"Yeah, that's our girl" said Tony, obviously feeling someone should speak between the two of them.

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