Chapter Nineteen

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Max had insisted that we go to hospital when he saw the state of my fingers and how I was holding my side.  Despite the fact that it was the middle of the night, we didn't have to wait too long at A&E and were immediately sent for an X-ray.  God bless the NHS.

We were brought  to a cubicle in the children's assessment unit to await the results of the X-Rays.  There were toys stacked up in one corner and I felt far too old to be here.  Even though I was 16, I was still a kid apparently.  I certainly felt older than my years as I tried to process everything that had just happened.  

It felt pretty surreal.  After all this time, Max knew.  My sense of relief was mixed back and forth with dread at what consequences might come from Tony.  It was a colourful, confusing cocktail of emotions.  I was definitely feeling shaken, not stirred.

"How about I go and get us some drinks?"  Max said, touching my arm with so light a touch as if he might break me.  He didn't need to worry about that.  I was already broken, inside and out.

I replied wordlessly with a nod of my head.

Max and I hadn't talked much in the hour that we had been here.  He seemed pretty nervous about pushing me to talk about it right now and I was glad.   I felt drained after my emotional break down and from coping with the pain of my injuries.  They had given me some painkillers and I closed my eyes as I waited for them to kick in.  

A little while later I heard Max's voice and the rustle of the curtain.  I opened my eyes to see Max with two steaming plastic cups and a police officer. 

"What the hell?"  I said angrily.  Why were the Police here?  

Max ignored my tone and spoke.

"Jake, this is PC Hughes and she wants to talk to you about what happened." 

I looked away.  I didn't want to talk to the Police.  What was the point?  They would only side with Tony any way.  

The female police officer walked over to the edge of the bed and sat on the uncomfortable plastic chair.

"Can you tell me who hurt you Jacob?"

"I was just in a fight with some kid."  The lie flowed out of me automatically.  It was bad enough that Max knew.  If the Police found out then surely I would be signing my own death warrant with Tony.

I didn't look up to meet Max's eyes.

"Jake..."  he started.

I saw the policewoman put her hand up to him in a gesture that told him to wait.

"Jake, is it?"

I looked up at the small question in her voice.  I nodded slightly.  Her deep brown concerned eyes darted away quickly and then back to mine.

"Kids are fighting with belts these days?"  She asked gently, her head inclining to the right slightly.

I glanced and saw that my hospital gown had slid off my shoulder and she must have seen some strap marks.

I gritted my teeth, looked away and said nothing.

Max couldn't keep quiet any longer.  

"It is okay Jake, I told them what happened."

I still stayed quiet.  I should have known that Max wouldn't have just let it lie.  That he would want Tony charged.  Even in this moment of conflicting emotions, it felt nice to be cared about.

PC Hughes' energy shifted.

"Maybe you should leave for a moment sir" she said to Max.

"What?" he said, seeing her meaning.  "I didn't..."

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