Chapter Fourteen

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Three more weeks past and then suddenly Christmas as upon me.  Oh Christmas.  Not something I looked forward to.  A time of year when family spent a lot of time together and consume vast amounts of alcohol: generally not a winning combination for my health.  Last year had been a tense affair.  We had spent it with Tony's family at Nana Mae's house.  I had gotten in trouble with Tony when we got home for 'acting moody' with his relatives.  He took the term Boxing Day literally.  I couldn't leave the house until past New Year.

Max had managed to negotiate a split of my time over Xmas.  I would be spending Christmas day at Mum's and then would go to Max's late afternoon and stay over for Boxing Day.

Given Mum and Tony's religious zeal, we spent the entire morning in church.  They were totally in their element.  The church always built up to the 'big day' so the church was at hallelujah fever pitch.  I found myself quite enjoying it, despite my lack of faith.  Old habits die hard after all.  Chris was of course there and we managed to sit our families together.  We sang along together and laughed.

Hannah was eager for us to get back.  Eager only for the presents that awaited her.  We were only allowed to open presents after church; a really long time to wait for an 8 year old.  Mum was checking on the turkey while Hannah waited not-so patiently.  I began to put on the vegetables I had prepared the night before.  I was the resident potato peeler.

"Mum, hurry up." Hannah's voice squealed from the living room.

Tony handed Mum a glass of whiskey.  I glanced up at the clock.  1pm.  Glad to see they were getting an early start on the hard liquor.

"Come through and let Hannah start on her presents.  Jacob will finish getting the dinner on, love."  Tony reminded me that I was, as usual, their slave.

I could hear the squeals as I set the steamer up, and put the roast potatoes in the oven.  I set the timer and walked back into the living room.  I stood in the doorway and looked at the masses of paper on the floor: Hannah's blonde curls peeking out the top.

"Oh my God Jake, look at what Mum and Dad got me."

I went over and looked at the handheld games device she was showing to me.

"A 3D.S.  Wow, how great" I enthused.

"Jacob" interrupted Tony, holding his glass out to me.  I fixed it and brought it back to him and then did the same for Mum.  1.15pm,  2 drinks down.  I began to feel a sense of trepidation.  I did some arithmetic in my head.  I would be out of here in 1 and three quarter hours.  They couldn't get that drunk in that time, surely?  

Drinking usually meant trouble for me.  Things had continued on a downward spiral over the last few weeks.  I'd had a few slaps round the back of the head last week.  The softly softly approach was pretty much over.  I was on edge all the time at home, waiting for him to strike.  Every time he was shouting at me about something, I kept waiting for him to punch me.  In fact sometimes, I almost wished that the would.  At least I would know that things were back to how they had been before.  Maybe he sensed that as it seemed like he was really enjoying my discomfort.  I had started to wonder if it was like a cat and mouse game for him.  I certainly knew what my role in that arrangement was.

I knelt in the corner and watched Hannah open another gift.  Mum and Tony always spoiled her at Christmas.  Mum and Tony had opened a few gifts already from each other and Hannah.

"What is next babe?" asked Mum.  Hannah was the present gatekeeper.

"There is one here for Jake." She said, reading the label.

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