Chapter Thirty Five

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I propped the ladder up against the wall, the darkened windows staring back at me.  I carefully climbed each rung, trying to keep my balance. 

This was more difficult than it sounded. 

I had ingested the rest of the bottle of vodka on my way to Freddie's that evening, finishing it off with a couple of spliffs.  Coming here had been my drunk, high, late night top idea.  

I managed my ascent and knocking softly on the window.  After my third knock, a small orange ball of light came on in the room, and a figure silhouetted against the curtains before they were pulled open.  Lyla's astonished face filled the frame.  I smiled goofily at her, and mimicked opening the window.  She frowned but opened it.

"What are you doing here?" she whispered.

"Can I come in?" I asked.  She opened the window as wide as it would go and I shimmied in.  I giggled as I fell onto the floor.

"Shhhhh you'll wake my Dad!" she quieted me, "Besides, it's gone 12 and some of us have school tomorrow" Her face fixed into a scowl.

I got to my feet and pulled her into a hug.   "Aah baby, please don't be mad at me, I'm sorry but I had to see you".

She grimaced and pushed me away.

"Ew, Jake, you've been smoking weed again, and you're drunk".

"Just a little drink that's all" I said, pulling her to me again.

"I'm not happy with you Jake.  I can't believe that you hit Chris like that, it was horrible" she said pushing me away again.

"I'm sorry babe.  It was a mistake" I said, pulling her towards me again.  I kissed her neck softly.

"Jake stop it" she whispered harshly, but her body began to relax into mine.  I kissed her neck more hungrily.

She giggled, "Stop it Jake, it tickles".

Glad she had forgiven me I guided her back onto the bed, and sat her down on it.  We began to kiss, slowly at first and then more passionately, as we lay back on the bed.  I slid my hands underneath her top and grinded against her.

"Not here; not when you are drunk" she murmured into my ear, her voice thick with desire.  I was about to protest when the door flew open.

"What the hell is going on here?!"

Thick hands pulled me off the bed and into the corner of the room.

"I thought I told you before about being in here with my daughter."  Lyla's Dad's face was darker than the night sky as he stepped towards me threateningly.

"Dad, Dad, it's ok" pleaded Lyla, pulling on his arm.

"Yeah, sure it is" I slurred.

Her Dad took one look at me, "You're drunk?!  This just gets better."

"You got a mobile?  Give it here." I handed him the phone.

"Get downstairs" he yelled, "I'm ringing your parents".

Lyla made me a cup of coffee to try to sober me up while her Dad was on the phone.  We could hear his agitated tone.  He came back in a few minutes later and glared at me.  He handed me the mobile and I shoved it in my pocket.  I fixed my eyes to the floor.

"Right, your Dad will be here any minute.  He sounds as angry about this as I am." 

I nodded at him.  I wasn't worried about Max.

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