Chapter Twenty-Three

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The next two days were awkward at Max's.   I felt embarrassed about my outburst and they were walking on eggshells around me.  They kept checking on me and asking me if I was OK.  Max even insisted on picking me up from school for the rest of the week – he said it was on his way but I knew it wasn't.  I know they meant well but it was making me feel like a freak.

I was waiting for Max to pick me up after school on Thursday when I heard a squeal behind me.

"Jake!" Hannah ran into me, clinging onto my leg.

"Han!" I said, getting down on one knee and giving her a hug. "Where did you come from?"

"I told Mum I wanted to see you, so we have been waiting for you". 

My heart started beating faster as I scanned the area.

"Is Daddy here?" I asked her, trying to keep my voice level.

"No, Mums in the car, over there" she said pointing over to the left.

I saw the familiar red Nissan Micra.  One dark figure sat in it.

"Jake, I miss you, when are you coming home?" She looked up at me with sad blue oceans of eyes, waves brimming.

"I am not sure Hannah, it is complicated."

"Is it because you were naughty? Mum said you had been naughty and had gone away."

"That isn't quite right" I mumbled.

She carried on;

"But Mum says that Daddy won't be able to stay if you don't come back" she started to cry. "She said that it was up to you if he got to stay with us.   I don't want him to leave.  I don't want to live with just Mummy, she isn't as nice and she doesn't play with me".

She started to cry heavily.

"Please, please come home, I miss you, I need you at home"

"Oh Hannah" I said tears pooling in my eyes as I picked her up.

"Please" she begged, sobbing on to my shoulder.

"Hannah" I heard the familiar voice call out coldly.  I couldn't help myself turn to look at her.  She walked towards me, coming up and putting her hand around Hannah's shoulder.

"Oh Jacob" she said gently, reaching out and touching my cheek. "Jacob, we need you at home.  I'm sorry that he did all of this to you."

Tears rolled down her cheeks, and I couldn't stop them falling down mine.

"It wasn't just him Mum" I said, the sound strangling in my throat.

She put her arms around me, her voice barely a whisper.

"Everything will change, I'll change, and I've stopped drinking.  I'll be better" she promised.

"What about him?" I asked, in spite of myself.

"He is getting help, he doesn't mean to hurt you, it is just when he drinks.  He has stopped now.  He is so sorry, he is getting counselling.  We can all go together."

I shook my head disbelievingly.

"Please just think about it." She murmured, "For your sister's sake."

She kissed my cheek and I watched them walk away to the car.

I am not sure how long I walked around for.  My mind was too drenched to focus properly.  

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