Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Max and Jane were tiptoeing around me for the three days I was with them. I could see that they were trying not to ask me about what it was like back home, but they seemed to be watching me for any signs. It was driving me mad. Lyla and Chris weren't much better at school. Mr Rhodes made a point of finding me every day. Everywhere I went people were watching me, waiting for what I don't know.

Back at Mums house, things were still strange, but in a good way. Tony and I went to watch the football match as promised. I think it was the first time I had been out alone with him in a long time. At first I had been waiting for him to switch back, ready for him to attack me even, but he hadn't and we had talked about football and the game the whole time. By the time my appointment with Jonas came around the following week, I was feeling very confused. Mum had said it was alright to ride my bike to the appointment and home again as it wasn't that far.

As I waited to go in, my mobile rang; it was Max.

"Hey Dad" I said, "We spoke this morning, remember?"

He ignored the second half of my sentence.

"Hey Jake, just wanted to check that you were at your appointment"

"I said I was going this morning, didn't I?" I replied irritated.

"Yeah, I know. Is your mother with you or is He?"

"Neither, I came on my bike"

"They couldn't be bothered to bring you" he decided.

"No Dad, I wanted to ride my bike here and Mum said it was fine, ok?" My voice was gruff.

"Shall I come and pick you up afterwards and drop you back there?" he asked.

"Christ Dad. No. I have my bike. I will ride home. It is not far." I spelled out each sentence clearly. I looked up and saw Jonas had been standing in front of me, I didn't know for how long. I stood up.

"I have to go: it's my turn now, bye."

I hung the phone up without waiting for his response.

"Sorry about that" I said to Jonas as we walked in and sat down; he again on a beanbag and me still on the edge of the sofa.

"That's OK" he said, "Who was that?"

"It was Max, again" I said.

"He is calling you a lot?" he asked.

"All the time when I am at Mums. And then when I am at his house, he does nothing but watch me and tiptoe around. My stepmum too.  It's driving me mad."

"Hmm" said Jonas, "Why do you think that is?"

"I don't know" I shrugged, "Because he wants to see if anything has happened to me, but I wish he would just back off and leave me alone."

I kicked at a pillow on the floor.

"Do you think he is justified to be worried?" asked Jonas.

"I guess." I conceded. "But it is annoying to be watched all the time."

"Indeed" replied Jonas. "I guess also perhaps you are not used to people looking out for you all the time.  And that you are used to trying to be invisible?"

"Yeah I guess I am. How did you know that?" I asked.

It was his turn to shrug, "Just a hunch" he replied.

After a pause, he spoke: "I just want to play Devil's advocate here.  How long had Tony been hurting you before anyone found out?"

I squirmed in my seat, not wanting to think about it. "Didn't you read the file on me?" I rose my eyebrow.

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