Chapter Twenty-Six

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Max was silently livid as we drove back.

After a few minutes, he couldn't contain it anymore and exploded.

"I just don't understand why you would withdraw your statement without telling me.  And why would you believe your Mothers blatant manipulation?"  He drew his hand through his hair in exasperation.

"I don't know" I muttered.

"And I just don't get why would you agree to going back there again?  This is the worst possible outcome; I don't know how I will sleep knowing you are there."

"I'm sorry Dad" I said, "I just wanted to best for Hannah, for everyone."

He took his eye off the road to look at me and sighed.

"Oh Jake, but what about you?"


Max and Claire the Social worker had a coffee while I grabbed all my stuff.  Kai wandered into my room.

"Where are you going?" He asked, jumping onto my bed.

"I'll be spending a couple of nights at my Mum's and then a couple of nights here from now on." I replied.

"So more than just the weekends, that is so cool" he said, throwing his arms around me.  At least someone was pleased.

"See you soon." I ruffled his hair.  I took my holdall downstairs and walked into the lounge, Jane was with them.

"I've got everything I need" I said.  They all stood up.

"Does he have to go right now?" asked Max anxiously.

"I'm afraid so Mr Fletcher." said Claire gently.

Jane came and enveloped me in a hug,

"See you in a few days" she said brightly, the tears in her eyes betraying her true emotion.

Max pulled me into a hug, I breathed in his now familiar cologne.

"I'll get you back Jake, full time, and make sure you can still see Hannah, it will take a little time but I will" he said passionately.

I nodded, tears in my eyes.  He pulled my forehead to his, his hands on my neck.

"If he touches you," the anger built in his voice, "if he touches one hair on your head again, you call me and you call Claire and you call the police.  Do you understand?"

"Yeah" I croaked.

"Jake, do you promise?"

"I promise Dad, I promise" I replied.


On the drive over, Claire gave me her contact numbers and told me to call her if I needed her.  She would be back in two days to see how I was doing.  As we pulled up outside, my emotions were whirling.  What would be waiting for me?  She read my thoughts.

"Are you scared Jacob?" she asked directly.

I looked at her and nodded softly.  She put her hand on top of mine.

"It will be okay, remember to call me if you need to".

Before we even got to the door, it opened and Hannah ran straight into me.

"Daddy's home and now you're home!  Best day ever!" she shrieked, grabbing me and pulling my arm, "We made you cakes, come and see".

Hannah pulled me into the living room where Mum and Tony were waiting, Claire was close behind.  The room was immaculate, cleaner than I had ever seen it, the smell of cheap air freshener filling the air.  Mum hugged me again.

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