Chapter Thirty Four

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I thought a lot about Andy's words.  I managed to not cut myself again the next day although the desire was strong.  However now I was no longer grounded, the lure of weed returned.  It wouldn't cause any scars right?  And it was still a release.  

School was always a bit of a blur when I was high.  Teachers weren't very vigilant and I was smoking weed most days at break.  Although it chilled me out, it didn't do much for my attentiveness in class.  After failing to hand in another piece of homework, my Maths teacher, Ms Grace, was far from happy.

"Jacob, this is not like you.  I am not sure you have listened to a thing I have said all lesson.   It is your GCSE year, this work is important."

I shrugged at her.

"Right, you can come to detention after school tomorrow and finish off the work."

She slapped a slip of paper on the desk that would need a parent's signature.  Max's tonight, he'll be happy; I groaned thinking of the lecture.  The bell rang signally it was lunch time.  I had definite munchies so got in line for some food.  I saw Lyla and Chris up ahead, and followed them when I had my tray.  I dropped it on the table next to them,

"Hey guys, what's up?  Guess who got a detention from Mrs Grace today" I said, waving my slip at them, expecting a laugh.

"Oh, you are joining us today, are you?" said Chris, sarcastically.

"What do you mean?" I asked, inhaling some crisps.

"You were meant to meet us for lunch yesterday and you didn't turn up." said Lyla.

I had gone for a smoke with Liam and Freddie instead.

"Oh, I wasn't hungry." I lied.

"You mean you went with Liam and Freddie.  You are always off with them lately" she said, looking cross.

"Hardly.  Let's not start that again." I grunted, thinking of our conversation at the party.

"We've barely seen you" said Lyla.

"And when you are here you aren't yourself" chipped in Chris.

I rolled my eyes, "'Not myself', you sound like my fucking therapist."

"Hey Jake" I turned to see Liam and Freddie coming up. "We're going out for some 'fresh air' mate, see you out there?" asked Freddie.

"Yeah I'll be out when I've finished, see you in a minute".

"I hate those guys" said Lyla, when they had gone.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You've changed since you have been hanging around with them."

"Yeah and they are wasters" said Chris angrily.

"Hey they are my friends" I said, getting irritated.  Lyla got up and stood next to me, her hand on my shoulder.

"No, we are your friends Jake.  And we are getting really worried about you" she said, tears in her eyes.

"Oh for God's sake, get off my case.  All you do is whine at me all the time." I snapped, losing the little patience I had.  I wriggled out of her touch.

Tears ran down her face.  Chris put his arm around her, comforting her.

"Nice one Jake, you're turning into a right arsehole" he snapped.

I saw his hand around her and my mind flashed back to the night at the party.  In a second, I completely flipped.

"Get your hands off my girlfriend."

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