Chapter Ten

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The door opened as I came up the path with the two Policemen. All I could feel was fear. All I could think about was what he would do to me when they left.

"Hey Mike, Mark - come in." Tony ushered them into the living room ignoring me entirely.

As I led the way in I saw Mum sat in the corner looking distraught. She came over and wrapped her arms around me. My body flinched at this false display.

She then turned to Sergeant Jefferies and hugged him. I went to my corner, eyes on the ground.

"What trouble has he got into now?" asked Tony.

"Nothing, we just happened to run into him." said Jeffries.

"Thanks for bringing him back. We were worried sick. We were just about to call the station but we kept hoping he would come home on his own." Crocodile tears ran down her face.

PC Mike seemed to feel a need for some formality as he sat down on the offered sofa. Mum hurried to the kitchen to put the kettle on.

"Where did you find him?" asked Tony.

"Oh, along the dual carriageway down near Blandford" said Sergeant Jeffries.

"That far, eh?" Tony glared at me.

"Oh, I wouldn't be too hard on him" said Jeffries.

"Why's that?" asked Tony, cocking his head.

"It seems he had a run in with our old friend Eddie Compton"

"He's out already?"

"Yeah and seemingly up to his old tricks, or trying to be. Looks like Jacob here broke his nose." Jeffries half smirked.

Something close to pride washed over Tony's face. "Really?!" He swallowed his grin. "I hope you know your little stunt has had your mother in shreds." Tony directed his statement at me.

I kept my eyes to the floor, like it was the most amazing sight I would ever behold. I couldn't bear to look at Tony, to see the glare of hatred in his eyes. I should have ran faster. The night's events flew through my mind. Thoughts of Eddie's weight holding me down and not being able to get away made me feel physically sick.

"So what happened tonight?" asked PC Mike as Mum handed him a cup of tea.

"We had an argument about his room being a mess and his whole attitude. He just went mad. Throwing books at Tony, would you believe. He was calling us every name under the sun. When he tried to get physical with me, well..."

"That was when I stepped in. I am afraid that we did have a bit of a scuffle when I tried to restrain him. I wasn't about to let him hurt his own mother" said Tony, not dropping a beat. The lies dripped off their tongues with so much ease that I could only hope that I would be as good an actor in the upcoming school play.

"I was wondering where the marks on his face came from" said PC Mike, almost to himself.

Sergeant Jeffries stood up.

"Well it seems that everyone is calm now. Is that right Jacob? You aren't going to be running off into the night again?"

"No" I replied, my mouth dry.

"Won't be getting into any strange men's cars?"


"Good. We'll let you sort this family matter out then." He said to Tony, reaching his hand out.

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