Chapter Twenty Two

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What if he decides he doesn't want me?

This custody business is too much hassle - he will bail for sure.

Why would he want me? I have caused nothing but problems for everyone.

Although I tried to ignore them, these unsettling thoughts bounded through my mind the next day at school. I tried to focus on the positive response Max had given so far but he had looked exhausted this morning - no doubt caused by me. He had a stressful job, a family and I was adding too much to his already full plate. It was only a matter of time before he decided I wasn't worth it.

I would have to show him what I could do.

After school, Jane went out to collect Kai from football practice and Max was busy catching up on missed work in his study. I started on my plan.

Jane had been planning to make a Spaghetti Bolognese so I decided that I would do it for them. Jane and Kai just came in the door when I was draining the pasta.

"What is all this?" asked Jane, a confused look on her face.

"Perfect timing" I said, giving her a big smile "Kai, go get Dad"

"Let me help you" said Jane, seeing I was struggling with my injured hand to strain the water away.

"No, no, I'm fine" I lied, ignoring the throbbing pain in my fingers "Please just sit down."

Max look surprised as he came back in the room with a bounding Kai.

"You're cooking?"

"Sit, dinner is ready" I put a bowl in front of Kai, who was more interested in the food than where it came from. I put a bowl down in front of Jane and Max before getting mine.

"How lovely, thank you Jacob" said Jane, taking a bite from hers. "Mmmmm, this is delicious?!"

"You sound so surprised!" I laughed sitting down with mine.

"Teenage boys aren't known for their culinary skills" She smiled.

"I guess not, but I do a lot of cooking at home and I make this all the time. Guess I got good at it." I looked at Max. "Or does the Italian disagree?"

"Your Nonna would be proud" he replied, licking a bit of sauce from his lip.

While we ate, Kai jabbered on about his football game.

"I'll just get some water" said Jane, starting to stand up.

"No, I'll get it" I said bolting up and into the kitchen before she could get past.

I brought it back to her. She thanked me.

"Thanks for a beautiful meal Jacob, but you really should be off your feet. We weren't really happy that you even went to school this week. You should be resting." Jane nodded in agreement with Max.

"It is the least I could do."

"What do you mean?" asked Max.

"Nothing, you know, it is just to say thank you" I felt awkward. A bowl of pasta was hardly fair payment for letting me live here.

"Thanks for what?" His brow crumpling.

"Ur, I dunno, y'know...letting me stay here...everything..." I felt heat rise in my cheeks.

"Jake you don't have to thank us for that. Ever. That is the bare minimum you deserve."

I brushed aside the emotional content.

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