Lets Break Each Others Heart-Chapter-Twenty-one

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  • Dedicated to Too All My Amazing Fans Who Have Been Supporting Me This is For You:)

My heart beat out of my chest as my eyes skimmed over the wedding dresses. There were all types of dresses. Poofy ones, tight ones, short ones, long ones... It was driving me crazy.


Mitchi chuckled as I shut the book closed.

“Yeah, I’m done looking at wedding dresses,” I nervously laughed.

“I can see. Did you see any that you liked?” She asked me. I shook my head.


“No, anyway Alex and I haven’t even arranged the date yet!” I chuckled. Mitchi laughed, excited. The twinkle in her eyes wasn’t because of her excitement of our marriage, it was because of the partying and drinking to take place afterwards. I had forgotten how she was.


“So, where’s Alijah?” She asked. Her eyes softened as she thought about him.


“He’s at baseball practice. You should go see him!” I winked at her. Her eyes widened, and a smile slowly spread across her face.


“Adios amiga!” She shouted, running out the door. At the same time she left, Alex walked in. He raised his eyebrows at her, but asked no questions, deciding to focus his attention on me.


“Hello, beautiful!” He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into him. I smiled, and it wasn’t long before we were kissing.


As the months went by, I had grown to love Alex with all my heart. I was truly happy to say that I was ready to be his wife. Life for me was getting better thanks to him.


“Have I already told you that I love you?” I asked. He stayed quiet, pretending to ponder the question, when I knew what the answer would be. It was the same every time.


“Yeah. Like... a million times.” He put on a dumb-sounding voice, making me laugh.

“Well, now it’s a million and one.” I poked his nose playfully before pulling apart from him at walking into the kitchen, but not before noticing Alex’s stare at the counter. The wedding magazine!


I quickly grabbed it and threw it nonchalantly behind me. By now, my face was bright red. Alex laughed.

“Sorry, Mitchi is going bonkers with the whole wedding,” I laughed. I covered my face with my hands to cover my tomato-colored face. He nodded, understanding, but there was still a playful grin on his face.


“I can see that. We haven’t even picked a date yet and you’re already picking a wedding dress!”


I stayed quiet. I could feel my face turning even hotter.

“My bad,” I whispered. He shook his head in disagreement.


“Hey, hey, I don’t care if you pick a wedding dress now. I would marry you this instant if it ha to do with me.” He picked up my chin.


This, right here, was one of the many reasons I loved this guy. The one thing I hated about myself, though, was that I always found myself comparing him to Jeydon. For some odd reason, I thought I was over him, but my feelings still had a grip on me that was hard to let go. I wasn’t sure, but I didn’t want to ruin what I had with Alex.

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