Lets Break Each Others Heart-Chapter-Thirty-Two

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“Aldabella, calm down,” Alijah tried to calmed me down. After Bentley told me I went hysterical. I couldn’t believe Jeydon was dying and we had no clue where he was. Alijah decided for us to go home so we could all calm down but sadly I couldn’t.

Mitchi stood up scratching her head softly. “Have you tried calling his cell?” She asked Sandra.

“I tried. No answer. I just don’t believe I couldn’t see the signs. They were right there,” She scolded herself. Bently sat on the couch playing with his stuffed bear. I glanced away as my eyes watered he looked so much as Jeydon.

“Maybe we should call the police?” Alijah suggested.

I shook my head in disagreement. “It just wasting time. They wont classified him as missing until forty-eight hours has past,” I butted in.

Sandra groaned in frustration. “We need to go look for him,” Mitchi whispered. I stood up immediately. She was right, we needed to look for him. What if he was hurt? What if he was dying somewhere? No calm down. You have to think positive I told myself.

“Yea, we should. Lets go,” I said walking past Alijah. He grabs on to my arm and pulls me towards him.

“You and Mitchi should go change,” He stated. I glanced down and saw that I was still in my dress. I nodded. Mitchi took my hand and lead me upstairs.

Alijah sighed. “Why didn’t he tell you he was dying?” Alijah asked Sandra. She shook her head as if she was fighting with her self.

“I don’t know. These signs were different then the ones I saw he had the first time. This morning I found him throwing up blood but I had no clue he had spent the entire night vomiting,” She cried.

Mitchi and I stared at each other. Why didn’t Jeydon tell anyone? I had so many questions that needed to be answered. I changed into a pair of black sweats and a grey tank top with my leather jacket.

Mitchi hugged me tight. “We are going to find him you will see,” She reassured me.


I opened my eyes slowly as my vision regained. I wasn’t sure where I was but I could feel my hands tied up. What the hell happen? Where am I. I tried to move my head to the side but pain crawled all over my left side.

I groan in pain as I realize my left side of my face was swollen. I tried to stand up but my body collapsed back down. I was to weak, I could feel my body shutting itself down.

Great, I was going to die here. At least when I get to the gates of heaven I’ll have a funny story to tell them. I thought I would always die weak and sad in a hospital bed but I guess I was wrong.

I chuckle to myself. I lean my head back as my body started drifting back to sleep. I see a large shadow in front of me. I let my eyes wonder all the way to the top. A smirk appeared on my face. “Just my luck,” I whispered…


I kicked the metal bar when I realize Jeydon wasn’t here. Mitchi and I had been looking for Jeydon for the past three hours. Unfortunately, we had no luck finding him. We looked everywhere. Well at least I thought we looked everywhere.

Mitchi taps my shoulder. I swirl around and I stared at her. “Isn’t that Jeydon’s truck?” She questioned me.

Jeydon’s truck was nicely parked on the side of the road. I jog towards it only to find it empty. What the hell! This makes no fucking sense! Jeydon couldn’t just have disappeared just like that! He had to be somewhere. But where?

“Maybe we should just call it a night,” Mitchi whispered, yawning softly. I shook in disagreement. No we couldn’t give up what if tomorrow it was too late?

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