Chapter 24

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Sorry for the late update this chapter is a long one and I wanted it to be absolutely perfect for all of you:)

Kyser's POV next chapter!

Okay so I am actually reaching my goals on each chapter, I just wish I could get more feedback. do you like the book? Is there something you are confused about? ill answer any questions just ask:)

I hope for this story to reach 40k by May 18th (My birthday)

Goals- 45 views and 5 votes please!!!!!


I don't remember falling asleep, but I guess I did cause here I am my eyes flutter open to the grey cracked ceiling of the same old cold cell. Victoria lies not to far from me curled into a tight ball attempting to stay warm. I can no longer feel my wolf its like she has ran away and abandoned me when I need her the most. I cant stay warm because of her absence, I can no longer hear the cries of other prisoners and now I cant even smell a scent. I know she was getting weak, but I never thought she'd leave me.

"Miss your wolf?" I hear Victoria's thick accent ask.

"I've never been without her before" I admit bringing my knees to my chest.

"She hasn't left you, she's weak and can't help you. They have this...uh witch lady I think that's what they say. She has powers she can weaken your wolf without even looking at you. Her name is Tabitha she too is a prisoner to Alpha Tygeris" Victoria explains.

A witch? I've never heard of any true witches I thought they were all put to death. If she too is a prisoner then she isn't doing this willingly, but to Tygeris's command. This whole situation is just a mess, I don't even know the whole story of what happened to Kyser's dad.

"Tygeris is a bad person, he doesn't treat his pack with the respect they deserve" Victoriá comments.

"Victoriá, why is Odetté here?" I ask not really wanting to know if my sister is a traitor.

"Her husband, is Tygeris's best mate. Even though they're from seperate packs they grew up together. Odetté is merely a pawn in it all" she explains.

"Odetté isn't helping though? She'd never betray me..her own sister?" I ask my voice steady.

"I'm not sure Rosa...all I know is bad things are going to happen not many will survive..." She answers sadly.

My eyes are brimming with tears at the thought of not only of my sister and her maybe betrayal. But at the fact that Kyser may die, I may die. Does he even know I'm gone? Have they hurt him already? I don't know. I just need to get out of here and back to my pack, back to Kyser.

"Do you think Tabitha could possibly help us?" I ask turning my head to meet Victoriás gaze.

"Even if she would,how could we even talk to her?" She replies.

"Maybe some sort of message system? I don't know I just need to have some sort of hope that we can have help to get out of here" I explain.

"It's a good idea. I think it could work if we can make some sort of-" she begins.

"Psttttttt! Psssst!" I hear a whisper not to far away from our cell.

Victoriá and I both look to the door where I see a guy who looks to be in his late twenties. He has messy brown hair and is quite slim, he looks to be in pain though as he hold his right side.

"Tabitha? I can speak to her for you" he whispers.

"How'd he here us?" I whisper what was meant to be for Victoriá.

"My wolf is still strong" the man answers.

How is his wolf still strong? Why isn't tabitha weakining his?

"I'm Eso. I got caught stealing food, I was planning to abandon this pack and become a rouge. Thy caught me and sentenced me here for a week then I can gather my things and leave" he explains.

I move a bit closer of what I can anyways. Victoriá does the same.

"You're Luna Rosa, of the Spirit Pack Alpha Kyser's mate. I heard some of the guards talking about your situation and I'm willing to help" he smiles.

Why would he be so willing?

"Why would you help us? You could be killed." I reply strongly.

"True, but little lady I have a catch. Once I get out I can get notes to tabitha see if she can help. In return I would want a place in your pack" he smirks.

"I thought you wanted to be a rouge?" Victoriá voices.

"Yeah for a little while not long. Once I get that out of my system I want to join a noble pack, like yours Luna Rosa" he winks.

I roll my eyes and sit back taking a moment to go over the idea in my head I can't promise that he will get a place in our pack. After all he was leaving this one he could leave ours too and to us werewolves that's a traitor and rouges are not accepted in our world.

"I can't promise you a place in my pack, but you will have our protection for you to be a rouge" I say staring into his hazel eyes.

"Eh, that'll work. I'll start talking to tabitha the moment I get out. I'll send notes to what she says I have a friend who is a guard here he will deliver them" Eso explains.

I bow my head showing I understand and that I am thankful. I don't if this plan will work, heck I don't even know if he's being truthful and will help us but he's our only hope right now so I have to trust that he's a good guy and only has good intentions.

"If you're lying to me, remember I come from a VERY noble pack and I can have your neck snapped in a second no matter where you run, no matter where you hide you will be killed" I threaten not daring to blink.

I can tell my word got to him by his wide eyes, and the thick stream of sweat across his forehead. Since his cell is across from ours I can watch everything he does so I have the advantage really.

"Okay chill, I won't do anything wrong trust me" he smiles.

"You best not" Victoriá calls.

I smile at my new friend she's learning to be tough. She needs that if we're going to escape together she for sure will be part of my pack. I know I can trust her.

"We will talk more in the morning the guards are coming" Eso whispers while looking down the hallway.

I nod in agreement and sit back to my original position. If this works Tabitha can strengthen my and Victoriá wolves and we can escape it's going to be tough and we may get hurt, well probably get hurt. But we have to get back to Kyser back to safety.

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