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Danae POV

**I'm officially 9 months pregnant and Catelyn ended up losing her baby a couple months ago. As much as I wanted to beat that bitch ass, I felt sorry for her because nobody deserved to go through that you of loss. She hasn't come around at all lately and Keenon has been really overprotective about what I eat and allat and I'm assuming it's because he not tryna lose another baby. Austin and I are rekindling our relationship and I'm glad because my little boy is going to need his uncle in his life. Yup. I said boy and Keenon is excited as hell about it but we all know one Keenon is enough. As far as Keenon goes we aren't together and it's because he feels like he's nothing but trouble for me. In a way I agree but in another I wish we could be together. Keenon moved out of our house and into an apartment not too far from here. Today an old friend is coming to visit me so I'm going to pick him up from the airport. I pulled up and I saw him looking down at his phone leaning on his suitcase. I parked in front of him and got out.

Danae: Devon?!
Devon: (looks up and smiles) Danae!(hugs and spins her around)
Danae: (smiling) I missed you!(pulling away)
Devon: I missed you too. Do you have anything you would like to tell me?(looking at her belly)
Danae: (smiles) Uh yeah. I'm pregnant af as you can see.(laughs)
Devon: (laughs) I do see. I hope the person who got the honor of being your first is treating you right.(grabs her hand and bites his lip)
Danae: (looks down and smiles) Actually...We aren't together right now. He decided it would be better for the both of us to go our separate ways....
Devon: Oh okay. I'm sorry to hear that.
Danae: It's alright. We get along better when we're not together anyway.

After our long ass conversation we went back to my house but when I pulled into my drive way I noticed a matte black Range Rover in my driveway. I was looking hella confused and got out the car and walked inside. When I walked in the sight made me absolutely sick. Kyndell was sitting on my couch looking just as shady as can be. I didn't like her and she didn't like me. Why she didn't like me? I didn't fuckin know, but I know I didn't like her because 1. She encouraged Keenon to beat my ass, 2. She fed Keenon lies about me cheating on him and 3. She was constantly in my business about every damn thing Keenon and I were doing. She even told Keenon that I signed papers to give up the baby for adoption! Like what the fuck? Like do you know where your lane is or shall I escort you to it?

Danae: What do you want Kyndell?
Kyndell: I can't come and see my brother's baby muva?
Danae: Bitch you know I don't like you. So Ima need you to leave because I have company and hoes aren't allowed.
Kyndell: So I guess my brother is out of the picture now huh?(looking at Devon)
Danae: Heffa I don't explain myself to bitches like you. I just need you to leave!

I guess she knew what was good for here because after that she just grabbed her keys and walked out. I looked at Devon who wasn't even paying attention to anything that just happened. He always had a short attention span. I chuckled at him and walked in the kitchen. Devon said he was tired so I showed him to one of the guest rooms and he took a shower and went to bed. I walked up to my room and did the same but before I could fall into a deep sleep my phone buzzed on the nightstand. I saw that I was getting a call from Keenon and I already knew he was about to bug me about some shit.


Danae: Hello?
Keenon: Danae who the fuck is at the house?
Danae: (sighs) I have a friend over. Why?
Keenon: Because I need that nigga to leave! Who the fuck do you think you are having some random nigga at the house?!
Danae: Keenon like I said he's a friend...and wait! How do you know it's a guy?! I swear on everything Ima kick Kyndell ass because I know she went back and snitched on me!
Keenon: You talking about shit that has nothing to do with anything! I want him out the house and if you won't kick him out I will come and kick him out myself!(hangs up)

After Keenon hung up the phone I shot up out of bed and locked every door in the house. I turned on all the cameras and watched them all on my TV so I knew exactly when Keenon showed up. I looked at Camera 1 which was pointed towards the driveway, and that's when I saw Keenon's car pull up. I panicked a little bit when I saw him get out if the car quickly and furiously. I looked at Camera 2 which was at the front door and I saw him pull out a fucking key! We both agreed that I would keep his key the day he decided to move out. How and why the fuck did he have another key?! I watched as he turned the key and walk in the house and slam the door. He ran up to my bedroom and busted in.

Keenon: So you just gon have another in here while I'm not here?!
Danae: Keenon you don't even live here anymore! You act like the nigga is sleep in here with me! He's downstairs in the guest room across the house!
Keenon: I don't care if the sorry nigga was sleeping on the roof! I don't want him anywhere near you!
Danae: Keenon the only sorry nigga in the motherfucker is you!!(pushing his head)
Keenon: (grabbing her arm roughly) Where is he?!
Danae: Keenon let me go!(yanking away from him)
Keenon: (holding her tighter) Answer me!
Danae: Keenon you're hurting me! Let me go!!
Keenon: (throws her to the ground and kicks her stomach) Fuck you Danae! Let's see how long that nigga and that baby live!!(kicks her stomach again and walks out slamming the door)

When he walked out I felt an excruciating pain in my stomach and when I tried to get up, it was worse and as much as I wanted to go and stop Keenon I knew I couldn't. I managed to crawl my way to the door and open it and when I did I heard 3 gunshots. I quickly looked at the cameras and saw Keenon speeding off in his car. I already knew what went down and I spent that night crying on the floor where Keenon left me...

Devon in MM

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