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**When I walked in Kash's house I noticed that the lights in the living room were on. I slowly walked in and that's when I saw King sitting on her couch talking to her like it was nothing. I tried my best not to seem sus or nothing but when he saw me walk in he had this look on his face. I took my phone out and told Keenon to get his black ass over here ASAP.

Kash: Hey Ty.
Ty: Wassup. Wassup King...
King: (smirking) Nothing. Just thought I'd come and talk to you that's all.
Ty: How you know I was here?
King: You know me Ty. You know I have connections...(smirking evilly)
Ty: (nods his head)
Kash: Um yeah...He came over here and said he was one of your friends so I told him he can wait for you...Is that 🅱ool?
Ty: (sits down next to Kash) Yeah baby you good...(kisses her cheek)
Kash: (smiles) Okay well I guess I'll leave you two to talk...(getting up walking out)
Ty: (thinking) No Kash! I need witnesses if this nigga kill me!
King: So Ty. You know tonight's the night you promised me my money. And I hate broken promises.
Ty: Mhm. I have it. Just not here.
King: That doesn't make King very happy.
Ty: Look King I have your money but it's at my place.

After I said that Keenon walked through the door and when he saw King he looked real surprised. He didn't say a word either, he just came and sat next to me.

Keenon: Wassup King.
King:Your friend here doesn't have my money.(looking mad)
Keenon: (gets wide eyes) I thought you said you had it Ty.
Ty: I do! It's just at my house! Do we all realize that I don't live here?!
Keenon: Well how about I go and get it while you and King...catch up.(gets up and walks out)

When Keenon left to go get the money I owed King, this nigga didn't do nothing but stare at me and every five minutes he would smoke a cigarette but would still stare at me. He was creeping me the hell out and I was just waiting on Keenon slow ass to get his ass here. Ten more minutes went by and this nigga was gone for a good 45 minutes. He finally brought his Bing head ass through the door with the black duffle bag I had put the money in.

Ty: Finally shit.(snatching it from him)
Keenon: (bucks at him) Nigga.
King: (taking the bag from Ty, looking in it) It's all here right?
Ty: Mhm it's all there. Like it always is.
King: It better be.(getting up and walking out)
Ty: Well damn. You welcome!
Keenon: (chuckles)
Ty: Fuck you laughing for? The fuck took you so long?
Keenon: (mean mugs him) I couldn't find the shit. You had that shit under your bed, under the floorboards.
Ty: Hell yeah I do. Keeping my shit safe. How'd you figure to look there?
Keenon: Because I used to do that shit.(laughing)
Ty: (laughing)
Kash: Ty can we talk.?(walking in the living room)
Ty: Yeah here I come.
Keenon: Alright I'll see you Ty. Bye Kash.
Kash: (waves) Bye. Tell Danae I'm coming to see her tomorrow.
Keenon: Aight.

Keenon left and I followed Kash back to the room. When I walked in the room Kash was sitting on the bed with her legs criss crossed and she just looked at me.

Ty: You wanted to talk...?
Kash: Mhm I sure did. Who was that King guy?
Ty: He a friend like he said.
Kash: Then why was he so concerned about money you owed him? Ty I'm not stupid.
Ty: (rubs his face and sighs) Kash if you already know what was going on then why you asking questions you already know the answer to?
Kash: Because I wanted to hear it from your mouth. Look Ty I get the feeling that you like me and I like you too. But I'm done getting hurt and lied to by niggas like you.
Ty: Well I do like you. Very much and I have no intentions of hurting or lying to you.
Kash: (smiles) Well then I'm glad we're on the same page...(standing on her knees on the bed)
Ty: (walking towards her grabbing her waist) I'm glad...Now where were we before we were rudely interrupted...(throwing her down on the bed, kissing her neck)
Kash: (squeals)

Keenon POV

**I made my black ass way back to the hospital for the millionth time tonight but this time Danae was up and flipping through the channels on the TV. When she looked up at me she made a pouty face and stuck her arms out. I made my way over to her and noticed Dre was sleep on the chair I been sitting in. When I got to Danae she hugged my neck and I laid down with her.

Danae: I want to leave.(straddling him, laying on his chest)
Keenon: I know baby. I think the doctor will let you leave tomorrow.(kisses her forehead) When did you change?
Danae: Oh Kash brought me clothes when you left like hours ago.(laughing)
Keenon: Oh okay. (Looking at her shorts) I swear Danae all your shorts be having your ass all out.
Danae: Is that a problem?
Keenon: For me? No. But if I catch another nigga staring don't get mad when I beat they ass.
Danae: (laughs) Okay baby.(sits up)
Keenon: (looking up at her) Danae I love you.
Danae: I love you too.(smiling) You ready to be a daddy? Again.
Keenon: Been ready baby.(rubbing the sides of her tummy)
Danae: I'm still growing. My belly is so tiny. Way tinier than it was when I was 3 months Prego with Dre.
Keenon: I've noticed. You ready to be a mommy?
Danae: Sure am. Me and baby girl against you and baby boy. I hope they get along.
Keenon: I doubt they will. Most siblings don't get along. But Ima have to teach ol boy to protect his sister.
Danae: Good.

Danae and I talked for hours about nothing and I could honestly say that I could listen to her talk everyday. I felt guilty to this day about putting her through straight hell, but I made it a point to make it up to her anyway possible. In the middle of us talking her phone went off and she grabbed it, looking at the screen confused.

Danae: You recognize this number?(showing him the phone)
Keenon: (looks at it) Uh nah...Look at the message.
Danae: (shrugs and looks at it) It says: "How cute are you two all hugged up tonight. Tell my son that he needs to make up his mind before I make it for him because I don't want to hand over the business to just anybody....Tell him that he has 48 hours."
Keenon: Wait hol up.(getting his phone out, looking at the number from earlier) This son of a bitch!
Danae: (quickly covers his mouth and looks at Dre) Shhh! And why is what I'm assuming to be your dad, texting my phone and how in the blue hell did he get this number?
Keenon: Baby we gotta talk later.(moving her off him and rushing out of the room)

I wasn't about to have him texting my girl, having her all in the mix because if she finds this shit out from somebody else she'll be furious and I'll be furious. I got in my car and called Jaide. Jaide was my boss's "investigator" this heffa could find out anything. And I mean ANYTHING. She agreed to meet with me at the warehouse and we went straight to business.

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