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Danae POV

**Its been a few days since the argument Keenon and I had. I've been trying to act as normal with him as possible but after the other night I know he can and will blow up at any moment. Today Kash and I are going shopping for party stuff because Dre's birthday is tomorrow! I just got done getting Dre dressed and now I was putting mouse in his curly hair. We were in the bathroom when Keenon came up and hugged me from behind. I flinched a little bit, and he just sighed and kissed my neck.

Keenon: You know if I wasn't busy today I would be going with you...Right?
Danae: Yeah I know.(finishing Dre's hair)
Keenon: Good. I love you.(pecks her lips)
Danae: (slightly smiles) I love you too. Okay Dre my love go put your shoes on and wait for me downstairs.
Dre: (running out the bathroom)
Keenon: So Kash still going with you today?
Danae: Yeah. She's meeting me at the store...
Keenon: Okay I'll be home when you get back.
Danae: Or you can just meet up with us...
Keenon: Yeah...I don't know...
Danae: Okay Keenon.(rolls her eyes and walks out)

I went downstairs and grabbed my purse and Dre's hand and walked out to the car. I strapped Dre in and got myself in the car and left. I pulled up at the Party Store and saw Kash's car parked in the front. Dre and I got out the car and as soon as we walked in we saw Kash looking at decorations.

Danae: Kash baby!
Kash: Hey bitch!
Dre: Bitch?
Danae: No baby don't say that.
Kash: (laughs) Sorry...(hugging them) So baby boy is going to be two years old.
Danae: I know. And then his mommy is going to be 18 and his daddy is going to be 20.
Kash: So pretty much everybody just getting old as hell.
Danae: (laughs) I guess so.

We shopped around for a while when we found Avengers and shirt like that. Dre ended up liking it a lot so that's what we went with. I bought the stuff and Kash went home, while Dre and I headed home as well. When we got home, Dre was already sleepy so I took him inside and straight to his room. He took his nap and when I got back downstairs I had just noticed Keenon was sleep on the couch.

Before I could make my way over to him his phone started ringing and he sat up answering it. I heard a soft voice on the other end and he didn't notice I was home because he just put his shoes on and rushed out the door. I just sighed in frustration and went into the kitchen when I noticed a bracelet on the counter. When I picked it up to look at it I noticed at the end of it, it had a gold "C" on it.

I threw the bracelet across the room and let out a loud sigh and knocked a cup off the counter. I saw complete red and I didn't know what to do with anything anymore. I grabbed cup after cup and plate after plate and threw them down and across the room. The only reason I was so upset was because I knew that bracelet belonged to Catelyn's trifling ass. I remember seeing her with it on the day I went and picked up Dre from Keenon's old house. That was the day I was bout ready to beat her ass for even breathing around my son.

I looked around and examined all the mess and started cleaning everything up. After I was done with that, I went a took a long steaming hot shower. Thinking about all the bullshit Keenon has put me through and all the times I stuck with him. From getting my ass beat to him cheating on me constantly! I got out the shower and put pajamas on and went to bed. Keenon never called or texted me at all, he never even bothered to come home...


Keenon POV

**I woke up with a sleeping Catelyn up under me. I quickly sat up and that's when it was all coming back to me. When Danae left, Catelyn came over and she was looking hella fine so I gladly gave her some then we saw Danae pulling in the drive way so she went out back and left and I had to fake a sleep on the couch. Catelyn called me a few minutes later and that's when I left and didn't go back home. I face palmed myself because I knew when I got home this morning I had hell to pay. I got my clothes on and left, speeding back to the crib.

Danae POV

**Dre and I were setting the stuff up for his birthday. Most of Keenon's family was going to be there and Austin was the only person on my side of the family that would be there. Kash showed up here early to help out and we ended up wearing the same outfit only her's was burgundy. She had on black Huaraches, and I had on white ones. A couple hours later the stuff was all set up and people started arriving. Keenon still wasn't here but knowing him he could be anywhere. I was still heated from what happened yesterday but it was my son's day and acting out at his party wasn't even an option. We were a couple hours into the party and that's when I saw Keenon walk through the door.

Danae: (walking over to him) Glad you can show up.
Keenon: Danae let me explain...
Danae: Not now and Not here. (Taking his present and putting it on the table with the others)

The amount of tension at the birthday party was utterly ridiculous. I tried my best to put all my focus on Dre but the whole situation was just bugging me. After we opened presents and all that everybody started to leave. Keenon and Kash helped me clean everything up while Dre played with all his new toys. Apparently, Kash had some emergency to take care of so she ended up leaving. It was pure silence in the room until Keenon felt the need to break it.

Keenon: Danae...
Danae: Hmm?
Keenon: Let me explain please...
Danae: (looks up at him) Well, which part? The part where you just never came home last night? The part when you LIED to me and told me you were busy when you were actually fucking other hoes in my house? OR the part where you came to your son's second birthday party 1 hour late, with day old clothes, lipstick on your neck, and condoms hanging out of your pocket, with beer on your breath?
Keenon: Danae I know I fucked up okay? I know this and I'm sorry. I'm trying to do right by both you and Dre but I'm 19! I gave up a lot for the both of you!
Danae: You gave up a lot?! Keenon I'm not even 18 yet and I'm already pregnant with my second child! I would love to go out and do half the shit you do but I can't because I have responsibilities! I have a son that needs to be catered to at all hours of the day! You complain that he's a "punk" or a "Mama's Boy" but if you were here for more than two seconds maybe he wouldn't be!! So don't give me that "I gave up a lot" bullshit because I have given up my entire life to be here with you!!(letting tears fall,picking up Dre walking out the room)

I went upstairs and Dre hugged my neck. I tried so hard not to cry in front of him but the tears just kept on coming. He looked at me and squeezed my face.

Dre: Mommy no crying.(kissing her nose)
Danae: I know baby I'm sorry.
Dre: (nods his head, squeezing her face harder) Nap?
Danae: Yeah baby we can take a nap.(laughs a little and sniffs)

Dre and I snuggled on the bed and as usual he laid with his head in the crook of my neck with his hand rested on my face. I kissed his little hand and soon the both of us dozed off.

The idea of the party, Dre's outfit and Kash and Danae outfit in MM

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