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Danae POV

**It has been a few weeks since I had the baby and the whole record deal situation. I was so happy for Keenon but he was home a lot less now that he has to do promo and stuff. Then when he is home he doesn't want to do shit but lay around or sleep because of the hours he spends in the studio and everything. I was beyond proud of my baby, but for my own selfish reasons I just wished he never even got that record deal. I was giving Hazel a bath and Dre was in my room watching TV, and as usual Keenon was in there asleep. I took Hazel out the bath and lotioned her up and allat, putting a onesie on her and laying her on Keenon's chest.

Keenon: (waking up, and smiles at Hazel) Hey baby girl.(kisses her forehead)

Danae: Keenon wake up. When you're not at the studio or somewhere doing promo you sleep. And when you not sleep you in the studio or somewhere doing promo.

Keenon: (rolls his eyes, and sits up holding Hazel) Okay Danae.

Danae: Less attitude please and thanks.(pecks his lips)

Keenon: Okay now what?

Danae: We spend time as a family. I miss you, Dre misses you, even Hazel misses you.

Keenon: She don't miss me that much. She over here knocked out.

Danae: (laughs) Okay well Dre and I missed you.

Keenon: Well what does my family want to do?

Danae: Let's just talk or we can play a game. Anything.

In the middle of my damn conversation Keenon's phone goes off, and tells me to wait a minute then answers it. I could hear the person on the other line and they sounded frantic as hell. Keenon laid Hazel gently on the bed and he pecked my lips and walked out. I sighed out loud in frustration and I plopped myself on my back on the bed. Dre was glued to the damn screen watching some Marvel thing on TV. I didn't understand what was so damn special about these superheroes but Dre just loved them. I looked at him and laughed, then I grabbed my phone and started to think about who I could call. Kash was out of town with Ty, so I knew I couldn't call her. Austin had some new girlfriend that he was so sprung off of so I knew I could call his ass to come through. Then I came across Kaine's number and I thought long and hard about why I never deleted this number. I hesitated but I tapped on his name and called him, and he answered on the third ring.


Kaine: Hello?

Danae: Kaine.

Kaine: Danae?

Danae: Yup...

Kaine: Wow. I didn't expect you to call after you cheated on me with some nigga that treated you like shit.

Danae: I mean I guess I deserve that. I just called to catch up...

Kaine: I guess there's no harm in that. How have you been?

Danae: I've been good. You?

Kaine: Yeah I've just been keeping it low key. I'm glad you and my sister still tight.

Danae: Yeah. That's my main.(laughs a little) Hey um...You wanna meet for lunch?

Kaine: Uh....Yeah. Sure. Where at?

Danae: Um...We can go to Zoe's Kitchen.?

Kaine: Perfect. I'll meet you there.

I hung up the phone and went and got ready. After my shower and allat I put on my army green shorts, and my white long sleeve crop top. I had my hair flat ironed and I put on my white high top chucks. Then I got Dre ready and we left. I strapped them both in and then I got in and left. I stopped at a red light and I got an idea. I went to my Snapchat and posted a picture captioning it "If only you weren't so busy😔😉". A quick thirst trap would get Keenon's attention and I was patiently waiting for that phone call. Literally 45 seconds later Keenon called me and I smirked, pulling off from the red light.


Keenon: Take it down.

Danae: What? What are you talking about?

Keenon: Danae don't play with me. Ty, TeeCee, Slim, Ace and them are on your Snapchat. They saw the shit before I did and they all saved it and I'm not having that shit. So go take it down.

Danae: (laughs) I'm sorry baby. But I look good today.

Keenon: Shit I know you do. But they don't need to know that.

Danae: Okay baby I'll take it down. Love you.

Keenon: Thank you. I love you too. I gotta go.

Keenon hung up and I pulled up to Zoe's kitchen. I grabbed Hazel's car seat and helped Dre out the car. We walked in and got a table. A few minutes later Kash walked  in and I waved at him. He walked over to us and gave me a tight hug.

Danae: Hey. Long time no see.

Kaine: I know. You look grown.(looking her up and down)

Danae: Well I am legal now.(laughing)

Kaine: (looks at Hazel) And I see you had another little one.

Danae: Yup I did. (Smiles) Her name is Hazel- Grai.

Kaine: Well she's beautiful. And I see little man has grown on me too.(picking him up)

Dre: (mean mugs him)

Kaine: And I also see he still mean as hell.(putting him down)

Kaine and k ate and talked and it felt good to have somebody listen to me and actually have time to hear what I got to see. We sat there for almost an hour and I could honestly say that I had a great time. In the middle of me laughing and him talking Keenon walked up to us and had the meanest mug on his face. He sat next me, and put Dre on his lap, and put his other arm around my waist.

Keenon: So what's so funny? I like to laugh too.(mugging Kaine)

Kaine: (mugging him back)

Danae: Keenon I was just having lunch with Kaine. My friend.

Keenon: (pulling Danae closer) And that's all you'll ever be. A friend.

Kaine: (chuckles, getting up) Call me when you done fucking with sorry niggas Danae.(walks out)

Keenon: (looks at Danae) So that's what we do now?

Danae: (rolls her eyes) Keenon it's not like you have the time for us anymore. I just went and found a FRIEND who did.

Keenon: So is that what that Snapchat bullshit was about? You wanna act like a hoe to get attention?

Danae: Keenon get the fuck over it. If I look bomb and want to take a picture on MY Snapchat the that's what Ima do. Now move so we can go.

Keenon: Wait till we get home.

After he said that we walked out to my Jeep and he got in his black BMW. I strapped the kids in and drove off. When I pulled up to the house I grabbed the car seat and helped Dre out. As soon as I walked in I put the car seat down and Dre ran off somewhere and I felt somebody push to the ground. When I looked up Keenon was mugging me.

Danae: (trying to get up)

Keenon: (smacking her, leaving his handprint on her face) Stay yo ass down! You wanna act like a hoe, Ima treat you like one!

Danae: Keenon please stop. Don't do this.

He ignored me and proceeded to hit me. I cried and tried to get away from him but it was no use. I could hear Hazel crying, and I looked out the corner of my eye and saw Dre standing in a corner with wide eyes and crying. He got off me and my whole body ached. He grabbed his car keys and left.

I heard the car start up and screech off. I struggled to get up but I made it to my feet and Dre walked over to me. I grabbed him and pulled him into a tight hug and I heard him crying on my shoulder and that only made my tears flow even more. I went over to Hazel and she was still crying. My kids didn't deserve to witness that. I went up to their rooms and packed there stuff, then went and packed mine. I strapped them into the car, then I got in and drove off. I didn't know where I could go, but anywhere was better than here.

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