two : lessons

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I dreaded the last schoolbell. That meant that it was time for me to go home with


I scoffed at the sound of it but still began to walk out towards the parking lot. I saw him leaning against his car, obviosuly awaiting my arrival.

"You ready doll face?"

"Quit calling me that!"

"Get in," He told me demandingly. This guy does not know how to be a gentelman.

I walked over to the passenger seat and got into his car. The ride to his house was silent, and it wasn't a pleasant silence, it was awkward as fuck. Is there even a such thing as a pleasant silence?

"We're here," I heard him say from next to me.


Not only is this guy fineeeee.

His house is too.

I got out of his car and had my mouth open in shock at the size of his house.

"You like?" He said, realizing that I was mesmerized by where he lives. I nodded my head in silence and began walking to the door with him. He unlocked it and I was even more taken away by the inside of his house.

It all looked very modern. White countertops, a large living room chandelier, and black appliences. You can tell that his couch alone was at least worth ten thousand dollars. All the rooms were very spacious and the house was extremly de-cluttered.

"Hi Tonya," He said to a women walking by. I assume that Tonya is their maid, for she was wearing white and black work clothes and holding a duster getting ready to clean. I waved at Tonya awkwardly and began to walk with Matt over to his room.

Matt opened his door and I was even more taken back by the size of his bedroom. Damn. This boy must be filthy rich.

In the middle of his room he had a large, solid white king size bed. He had a marble desk on his right wall covered in school work and books. On the far wall he had a large flat screen tv, hanging on the wall and below he had a record player plus probably 50,000 vinyls to go with it. He had a large couch in the corner of his room, complete with a mini fridge next to it filled with a variety of different food and drinks. Sitting on top of the couch was a small dog, sleeping.

"I didn't know you had a dog!" I said, walking over to pet it.

"We literally met like 3 hours ago. There are plently of things that you don't know about me."

I had a mental facepalm as I realized that he was right.

"Why don't I get to know you then?"

"Maybe later we can get into the girly 'all about my life talk' but right now we have a lesson to do. Let's get started."

I nodded realizing he was right.

"Come here," He gestured his finger implying that I should walk over. He pulled me in and placed his arms around my waist.

"What are you doing???" I screeched.

"Kiss me." He said, matter of factly.

I shook my head without saying a word.

"Kiss me," He repeated.

"No," I whispered.

"Just fucking kiss me already. The sooner you do this the sooner you can leave."

"I don't want too!"

"Hunny, it is not your choice,"

He reached harder around my waist until our faces were millimeters away from each other. He quickly pulled me in and placed his lips against mine. After a few seconds, I pulled away.

"C minus. You kiss like a damn bitch." He said to me in his teacher voice.

WHAT? How can he speak to me like that??

"What the hell is your problem??"

"The kiss wasn't that great. I felt nothing. We will need to work on this later,"

I stood there with my mouth open in shock. He picked up my bag off the ground and put it around my shoulder.

"Let's go." He said. "Go home and practice, we will have another lesson tomorrow."

"No we will not. I don't want too."

"Babe, you were the one who agreed to this."

"First off, do not call me 'babe'. Secondly, I did not agree to this at all, you and Hazel forced me,"

"I guess your right.. See you tomorrow at 2:15" He smirked at me and I rolled my eyes. I guess I really have no way out of this.

When we arrived at my house I hopped out of the car and onto my front porch. Then I realized something.

I just wasted my first genuine kiss on the school's dickhead Matt Talen.

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