nine : the beach

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The next morning I woke up beside Matt in his large bed. How did I get here? I don't even remember falling asleep.

I could tell that Matt probably heard me wake up, because I immediatly felt his body turn and heard his deep, sexy morning voice.

"Good morning Sagie," He sounded so good right now, like I can't even explain.

"Good morning," I smiled even though he couldn't see my face. He used his hands and turned my body so we were both facing each other.

"Have any plans today sweetie?" He asked me with a grin on his face.

"Well yeah, me and my dad were gonna-"

He quickly cut me off. "Cancel them. You and I are going to the beach today, honey."

I didn't know how to feel about what he just said. I was happy that he acuattly wanted me to hang out with him outside of "lessons", yet he sounded so demanding, like he was basically forcing me to go somewhere with him. Whatever, I should be happy, I mean he is taking me to the beach for gods sake.

"We will stop by your house and grab your suit, unless you wanna go to the nude beach and swim-"

"I will get my suit!" I was almost screaming. I was not going to a nude beach with him anytime soon.

"Aw, damn it." He had a sarcastic smile on him. "Let's go baby."


When we got to my house, he walked in with me and I got ready and grabbed my bikini. I put it on and then walked back into my room to find a cover up. I was startled by shirtless Matt sitting on my bed.

"Matt, where are your clothes?" I asked.

"I could be asking the same thing to you." He looked me up and down and bit his lip. After I realized that all I was wearing was still just a bikini, I put on my cover up. I then watched him as he threw a shirt on over his tattoed, scar covered athletic body.

After we were both ready, we got into his car and drove out to the beach.

It was an hour drive, but it was definitley worth it once we arrived. Right when my bare feet stepped out of his car, I felt the smooth sand tingling on my toes. Matt and I walked around on the sand quietly for a bit, until he finally broke the ice.

"Wanna go swimming with me, baby girl?"

"I would be delighted to go swimming with you."

Matt smiled at my response and slowly took off his shirt. I took off my cover up and began to walk towards the water. My body became instantley tense as my feet touched the freezing water. Matt must of noticed, because what he did next made me mad as hell.

He pushed me in.

He pushed me into the freezing cold ocean, salty, crabby, seaweady water.

"Fuck you!" I said. I stood up and pushed him down with me, regretting it as soon as he fell on top of me. Damn, he weighs a lot. He slowly moved his head closer to mine as we were laying on the shallow sea floor.

"I really really like you, Sage honey." He whispered into my ear in his deep sexy voice, then his lips instantley crashed into mine.

Right now I did't care what the dozens of kids, parents, and everyone else on the beach thought of us. The world was just me and him, and I was hoping that was what it always would be.

Once he pulled away, spoke into his mouth. "I like you too,"

He kissed me again and began to grope my breats and body. This kiss was special for some reason, like it meant something more than all the other intimate moments we shared together. I can't exactly explain why, but I was feeling something very special for Matt at the moment. Something more than friendship, something more than like,

Did I love Matt Talen??

a/n this wasnt the best chapter sorry, i just didnt want to not update today. anyway thank you for over 400 views, and PLEASE vote and comment on your favourite chapters and lines! :))

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