three : kissing

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The next day when I woke up I looked like a mess. Like a literal mess. A dying antelope looks better than me right now.

I walked into the bathroom and threw my long hair into a messy bun. I quickly did my makeup. I went back into my room to look for an outfit. I wanted to look hot today for Matt.

Matt? What the fuck am I thinking? I don't care what he thinks of me.

Or maybe I do...

I went in my closet and found a nice pair of skinny jeans. Not to sound weird or anything, but these are the only pair of jeans that make my butt look okay. I threw them on and paired them with a tight red crop top. I grabbed my adidas jacket and my white and black adidas shoes and threw them on. I ate a quick granola bar for breakfast and ran out the door to go to school.


When I arrived at school I walked straight to my locker to put away my things. I was startled by a hand being wrapped around my slim waist.

"Hello Sage," I heard a deep voice speaking to me. It was Matt.

"Matt, what are you doing?"

"Sage, honey, I think I will have to cancel the lesson for tonight, I have more important plans for tonight,"


"But you said that these lessons are more important than anything else!"

"First off, I said that to you. The rule does not imply to me. Second, yesterday you tried to cancel the lesson anyway. I am basically just granting your wish," He smirked and I turned around to look at his face.

"I guess your right..." I stated, giving up.

"So," He said, still a large grin plastered on his perfectly structured face. "I was thinking we could postpone the lesson,"

"To when?"

"Right now,"

"What? No. I am not being caught kissing some hot guy in the hallway. My mom would KILL me if she finds out."

"You think I am hot?" He asked. The sound of arrogance filled his deep voice. I replayed what I had just said in my head, and mentally slapped myself.


"Its okay, baby sage. You aren't so bad looking yourself,"

I blushed at his comment.

"Come to the bathroom with me." He told me with a straight face.

"What? Why?"

"For your lesson."

Matt grabbed my arm and pulled me down the hallway. I knew I could easily pull away if I wanted too, but for someone, I didn't. I felt safe with Matt, even though we are about to go into the boys bathroom and make out in one of the stalls.

When we arrived at the door, he opened it for me.

"Come in."

I sighed and walked through the door. Luckily, no other boy was in here, and I was hoping there wouldn't be.

Matt pulled out a key from his pocket and locked the bathroom door.

"How did you get that??" I asked, confused.

"Me and the janitor are pretty tight,"

I let out a slight giggle and turned to face him. He began walking towards me until he had one hand around my waist and one hand on my neck.

"Kiss me."

I was still not used to this.

"Kiss me, Sage."

The sound of my name sent tingles through my spine. I pulled his head closer and began kissing him. I angled my face correctly so the kiss would be more comfortable. I stood there with out mouths together for about 15 seconds, until I finally let go.

I watched his face as I backed away. He stood there in awe at what had just happened.

"That was... very..." He began to say.

"What? It was very what?"

"That was very good for your second kiss. I think we are all done in the kissing field.. for now."

I smiled. He acuattly thought I was good.

"So, when is our next lesson?" I said, trying to hold back how bad I loved these "lessons".

"I was thinking Friday night."

"What are we going to practice?" I asked him.

"Well, Hazel told me that you have never been in a relationship with a guy, so I assume you have never been on a date. Am I correct?"

I nodded.

"Great. We will practice dating." He had a small smile on his face. I could tell he was enjoying these lessons as well. "Friday. 5:00. I will pick you up and we will go to Olive Garden,"

"Great," I smiled.

"And remember Sagie," He began to say. "This date is just for practice." I could tell even he didn't believe his words. He obviously felt something towards me, more than just being my sex tutor.

He unlocked the bathroom door and we both walked out.

"Get to class," He said in his teacher voice.

I laughed and began walking to English.

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