six : fight

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After the intimate moment with me and Matt, I decided to step out of his bedroom. I walked downstairs to where the party was happening and was astonished by what I saw.

Matt laying on the ground, helpless while Noah stood above him continusouly punching him.

"STOP!" I screamed from across the room. Everyone turned their heads towards me and Noah stopped punching Matt. I then noticed Hazel in the crowd and I began to walk over to her.

"Hazel, what the hell happened to Matt?" I asked, pointing at his unconcious body with Noah still standing by it.

"I am honestly not sure. I was standing here with some guy and then I went to get a drink. When I came back, Noah and Matt were punching each other. Noah obviosuly won," She giggles and I let out a deep sigh.

"Move Noah," I said demandanley. He did what I said and moved away from Matt's body. "Hazel, help me bring him upstairs." She nodded and grabbed part of Matt. We both picked him up and began to walk him up the stairs. Damn, why do guys weigh so much?

When we got to his room, we layed him out on his bed and both let out a sigh of relief. After a few minutes, I began to see him waking up.

"Sage?" He said, confused.


"Why am I back in my room?"

"You got in a fight with Noah. You were unconcious!" I told him.

"Oh yeah, I remember the fight. I thought I was winning, though." He let out a drunken smile.

"Why were you two fighting, anyway?"

"No reason."

"There had to be a reason, Matt."

"Oh, there is, I just can't tell you."

I rolled my eyes.

"Let's get you cleaned up. Stay here." I walked out of Matt's room and into the bathroom. From the medicine cabinet, I grabbed some hydrogine peroxide, cotton balls, and some bandaids. I then brought the stuff back into his room.

"Take off your shirt," I told Matt.

"Sage, honey, as much as I want too, I am in no condition to fuck you right now," He had a cocky smile on his face while my expression was filled with annoyance.

"Take it off, you dipshit."

He did as I said and removed his shirt. Once he did, I realized that I have never seen him not fully clothed. His body was covered in tattoos, and it was hot. I mean I knew he has a few tattoos, but I never thought he had this many. He had abs, really nice ones, and although his entire body was covered in cuts and blood from the fight, you could tell that he had a really nice body.

"Are you cleaning me up or what?" He asked me.

"Yeah, yeah sorry." I grabbed some hydrogine peroxide and began to clean out some of the cuts. I then was rubbing it over the tattoos, and being the stupid person I was, had to ask this question, "Can this stuff remove the ink?"

He began to laugh at my question. "No, you dumb fuck. Tattoos are permanent."

"Is the one of your ex-girlfriend permanaent?" I asked, with slight humour in my voice.

"Sadly, yes."

I laughed as I continued to clean out his wounds. When I was done, I put a few bandaids over the bad wounds, and was taken back my work.

"Done," I told him.

"Thank you." He said. "You now, now that I am all fixed up, maybe we could have another lesson?"

"What kind of lesson?"

"I was thinking one thats a little more... intimate,"

"You want to fuck me?"

"No Sage honey, I want to teach you."


a/n : im in the middle of creating a trailer for this book and its coming out really good so far. cant wait for it to be done :))

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