eight : sleepover!

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At around 3 am, the party was pretty much over. There were a few more drunken bodies lounging around the house, but other than that, everyone else had left. Matt and I went up into his room to get ready for me to stay the night.

"Stay here, I need to go grab something," Matt told me as I awaited outside his door. Matt left and then I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. It was Noah.

"What are you still doing here?" I asked him, in a confused voice.

He let out a big laugh. "I live here, stupid."

"Wait what? You and Matt live together? You guys must be very close."

"Well of course we are close, we're brothers."

My face turned from confused to shocked in a matter of seconds. I had no idea. I then saw Matt walking back down towards where me and Noah were standing.

"I honestly had no idea," I responded to Noah.

"What did you have no idea about?" Matt budged into our conversation obviously wondering what was going on.

"That you and Noah were brothers."

Matt let out a big laugh and then began to speak again. "I told you sweetie, there is a lot you don't know about me." Matt said while taking whatever he grabbed out of his hand. It was a cigarette and a lighter. Matt smokes?

"You smoke??" I asked, shocked.

"Yes honey, I told you that you don't know a lot about me." He laughed and lit the cigarette. It honestly was super hot seeing him smoke, but why?

"Come in," Matt said, gesturing towards his room. He let the smoke bounce off the walls in the room.

"Goodnight Noah," I said from inside the room, right before Matt slammed the door shut. He took the cigarette out of his mouth and put it in one of his ash trays.

"Why are you smoking at 3 in the morning?" I asked him, reazling the time.

"I smoke when I am upset, I smoke when I am angry, and I smoke when I am happy. Currently, I am happy."He said, with a straight face. "Anyway, I was thinking you and I could have a follow up lesson to what happened ealier.

"Not yet," I said, gesturing for him to back away from me a little bit. "Why were you and your brother fighting?"

"I told you, I'm not telling you."

"Tell me."


"Tell me."


I slowly walked towards him until we were just millimeters apart. I brushed my lips against is and brought my finger up his thight. Then, for the last time I whispered into his ear.

"Matt, I think you should tell me,"

I quickly pulled away and was humoured by his facial expression.

"Didn't excpect that." He said with his mouth hanging open. "I have decided U will tell you,"

I smiled and allowed him to conrinue speaking.

"Earlier, I was watching as Noah was greeting you at the door. I didn't want myself to become jealous, so I ran up to my room to keep all of the negative feelings away. You looked so beautiful tonight, Sage. Like utterly amazing. I wanted you so bad. After we kissed, I left the room to go downstairs, and I was going up to Noah to talk to him until I easdropped on his conversation he was having with some guy. He said he wanted to fuck you, and it made me feel really weird inside. The second I heard that, I ran after him, and as you could tell, I did not win." He let out a deep sigh. "Sagie, I think I like you."

I had my mouth wide open from what he had just said. He likes me? Matt Talen, the schools badboy, likes me?

He was expressing his feelings so much right now, I have never heard him speak in such a serious manner.

"Don't leave your mouth open like that, it gives me ideas."

There went the seriousness. I walked over to him and gave him a playful slap across the face. Thats when he kissed me. It was an amazing kiss, I could feel the energy pass through my body. Midway through the wonderful kiss, I whispered something into his ear.

"I like you too, Matt Talen,"

a/n thank you guys for over 200 views! please vote and comment on your favorite chapters and lines. thank you everyone :)

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