fourteen : spongebob sex

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After the beautiful kiss between Matt and I, we both decided to ditch school for the rest of the day. I've never skipped school before, but I couldn't pass up the idea of being with Matt, due to the fact I haven't spoken to him in an entire week. Matt and I walked out into the student parking lot and got into his car.

"Matt, may I ask where we are going?"


"Then why are we in the car?"

"I don't know,"

"Alright then,"

I could tell Matt was most likely trying to keep something from me, so I stopped asking him. We sat in the car in complete silence until we pulled up to his house.

"Why are we at your house? Are we having another lesson?"

"Not a lesson, Sage. I just love you so much and I want to be with you. Like I really, really love you. I thought maybe we could hang out for a little bit."

I smiled at him as we entered his multi million dollar home.

"Hi sage," Noah said to me when we walked in.

"Noah, go in your room and don't come down. Me and sage want the whole downstairs right now,"

Noah nodded. He obviously felt bad for what happened at the party the other day, and he would do anything to make it up to his brother and I.

"Tonya!" Matt called for his maid.

"Yes Matt?"

"Can you turn on the tv to channel 126? Thank you so much,"

Tonya nodded and did what he asked.

Matt and I walked into the kitchen and he grabbed some popcorn from the cupboard. I then laughed as I heard the sound coming from the tv and what channel he picked.

"Matt, why are we watching sponge bob?"

"We're gonna be kids again. Come on,"

We walked over to his couch and layed down. He cuddled into me and I rested my head on his shoulder. Everything felt so safe when I was with Matt, he is such a comforting person.

"I love you sage," he whispered into my ear, "and I'm really sorry for everything I did to you,"

"I love you too,"

We looked each other in the eyes for a minute and just stared at each other.

He placed his lips onto mine and I kissed him back. Even though the sound of spongebob was playing in the background, it was such a sexy, loving, romantic kiss and I never wanted it to end.

I felt Matt reach around and pull off my shirt.

"Are we doing this?" He whispered.

"Yes," I said matter of factly.

After a few minutes of kissing and ripping off each other's clothes, we had sex. It was amazing. It was even better than last time. His warm breath against my neck and his cute little deep moans in my ear. I really really loved him. I honestly feel that he is the one.

He is the one I am going to be with forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2016 ⏰

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