05|It's A Really Small World.

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"My silence is another word for my pain."

Bree's pov

"Bree, You came!" Annie squeals and comes to me. She hugs me tight. I put on a fake smile. Fuck! This is going to be a lot harder than I thought.

"I wouldn't miss it," I say. I was internally slapping myself for coming here.

"I'm so sorry..." she starts, but I cut her off.

"Let's not talk about it," I say. Fucking hell.

"Talk about what?" someone asks from behind. I turn to look at who it is. No way. Aiden fucking Waters again.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him annoyed.

"You need to be the one answering that 'cause it's my brother that's getting married," he says smirking. Fantastic, just fucking fantastic.

"Honey, it's so good to see you finally after so long," Jared's mother, Eliza comes up and hugs me. At least I needn't tell Aiden how I'm related to them.

Ignoring his presence, I look around the living room. There are pictures everywhere. A few with me too. I so want to bash myself up right now. Jared, Jared, and Jared everywhere.

Sitting on the couch along with the other bridesmaids is so irritating, and their girly talks are totally getting me on the edge. I feel my headache and place my head in my hands. I'm getting impatient with every passing second.

"How's your hand?"I hear a familiar voice, and I already know who it is. Aiden. Instead of answering, I put my hand in front of his face. He touches it, and I pull my hand back. I examine his look for a few seconds, he wore a grey t-shirt and blue jeans, and his messy brown hair made him look good.

Wait, What?!

I look away before standing up and get to the stairs that lead to Jared's bedroom. Ascending the stairs, I feel shivers run down my spine as I place my hand on the doorknob to open the door. Taking a deep breath, I open the door and step in. I turn on the lights before closing the door behind me. It looks the same as it was when he left, the wall is filled with pictures. Tears start to blur my vision as I look at our pictures. I take the one in which Jared's kissing me and trace the photo with my fingers. This picture was when my life was something called perfect.


I stayed in there for what felt like an hour and cried until I couldn't take it anymore. Washing my face, I look at my appearance in the mirror and clear all the mascara marks on my cheeks. I apply some eye makeup to cover up my puffy red eyes so that I don't look too obvious. Grabbing my backpack, I give the room one last look before turning off the lights and opening the door to leave.

I just hope that Aiden doesn't get in my way again.

"What were you doing in there?" Someone inquires or rather Aiden inquires and I just descend the stairs after giving him a look which I shouldn't have. So much for just wanting to avoid the guy.

"Were you crying?" he frowns a little, but I continue descending the stairs and head towards Annie.

"I need to leave Annie. I'm not feeling well," I speak without looking at her.

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