16|Party Time.

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"Because even the smallest of words can be the ones to hurt you or save you."

Bree's pov.
I wake up to my ringing phone. It's was like 3am in the morning and who the fuck would call me now.

"Who the hell is it?" I ask sitting up in bed.

"Open your fucking window Bree, " I hear Aiden's voice on the other end.

I get off my bed and go to my window to see Aiden hanging. Idiot. I open my window.

"Move !" he whispers shouts and I move. He jumps in to my bedroom.

"What the hell were you thinking? " I whisper shout. He walks up to my night stand and drinks a glass of water.

"I had been knocking on your fucking window for fifteen minutes, " he states walking towards me.

"Who would expect Mr. Waters to show up at my window at 3am ?" I ask narrowing my eyes at him.

"OKAY I'm sorry but I had to talk to you, " he says looking at me.

"What is it Aiden? As if what you've done at the spring dance was not enough, " I say looking out of my window.

"I'm sorry about what happened Bree. I..... I didn't mean to...." Aiden says and I give him a dry laugh.

"You didn't mean to kiss me. Is that all you would say Aiden, " I say .

"Bree please listen to me. I don't want it to ruin our friendship, " he says.

"I....I don't know what to say Aiden. I need some time to think, " I say .

"I understand. Maybe I should go, " he says scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah, You should get going, " I say nodding my head.

"Good night Bree, " he says walking to my window. I turn off the lights before Maria could guess I'm still awake and walk back to Aiden.

"Good night Aiden, " I say and he grabs my head and smacks his lips to mine.

He pulls me closer by grabbing my waist .I kiss him back. I could feel butterflies in my stomach. Shit.

He breaks our kiss. "This is the way you say good night, " he says and I feel him smirking even in the dark.

He leaves me awestruck there and climbs out of my window. Asshole.

I close the window and get back to bed.

I get off my bed unable to sleep anymore. All the damn credit goes to Aiden. It was 5am so I decided to go running.

I put on my sweatpants and t-shirt. I leave a note for Maria and leave. I put on my ipod.

Aiden is driving me crazy. One moment he'll kiss me and the next moment he says he didn't mean to. Idiot.

I pass by his house cursing. I continue to run until my legs gave up. I check the time . 6:30 am. I see a park and enter it.

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