33|You're Not Like Jared.

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"I'm much more me when I'm with you."

Bree's pov.

I jerk open my eyes as my phone starts ringing. Aiden wasn't there next to me and my body was covered with nothing but a bedsheet.

I grab my phone and pick the call without checking the caller Id.

"Hey," I hear Rachel's voice on the other end and my eyes keep scanning the room for Aiden but he's no where.

"Hey Rachel, can I call you back in ten minutes? " I ask her still rubbing my eyes.

"Yeah sure Bree, " she says and drops the call. Aiden never left without telling me.

I find a white paper on my nightstand. I take it to see that it's a note from Aiden.

Princess I got a call from my parents and they say that they're going to talk to me about their behaviour lately. I'm sorry I'm leaving without telling you but I'll call you once I speak to my mom and dad.


I smile at how he ended the letter but I can't help but wonder what's going on between him and his parents. I look at the clock and realise it's 7:00pm.

I get off my bed and get to the shower. Stacey. I shake my head to get rid of the thoughts of what happened in the mall but it doesn't help.

How could she do such a stunt? What if she did hit Aiden?

Stop thinking about it Bree.

I tell myself and take deep breaths to relax. I brush my teeth and walk out of the shower.

I put on one of Aiden's t-shirt and a shorts before walking out of my closet.

I call Aiden as I walk out of the room. He doesn't pick the call so I message him so that he could call me once he's free.

I call Rachel and she picks the call after four rings. "Hey Rachel," I say with a smile.

I walk into the kitchen to see Maria cooking and take a coke tin before sitting on a barstool.

"How are you now?" She asks me in a low tone and I knew what she was talking about .

" I'm fine Rach . Just change the topic , I don't want to talk about the bitch," I say as I sip on my coke.

" Okay, Ricky took me to his beach house today," she says with a cheerful voice.

"Wow," I say smiling too.

"I'm so happy Bree and it wouldn't have been possible if it wasn't you who helped me understand Ricky," she says .

"Rick fell for you Rachel and I'm glad he did cause that's why he realised what he was losing on while being an asshole, " I say with a smile. I call Ricky as Rick.

"Bree my mom's calling me, I'll call you in the morning," she says.

"Okay, bye Rachel, " I say .

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