25|Everything I Love.❤

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"Hatred paralyzes life , love releases it. Hatred confuses life, love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life , love illuminates it."

- Martin Luther King. Jr

Bree's pov.
"Why are they taking so long?" I ask as I look around in an attempt to find Jackson and Amanda.

"Cool down baby . They're probably taking their luggage, " Aiden says with his hand around my waist.

I'm so excited to see Jackson . I was finally going to see him after six fucking months.

"Jackson!" I yell as I see him and run towards him.

I hug him and he spins me around before putting me back down.

"Hey Kitty. I missed you, " he says and I kiss his cheek.

"I missed you too ," I say and look at Amanda.

"Hey Amanda , I missed you ," I say sincerely and she hugs me.

"I missed you too honey, " she says with a smile.

"How's the little one doing? " I ask her and she blushes.

"Jackson never gives a chance for anything to go wrong," she says giggling a little.

"That sounds like him," I say smiling.

I grab Aiden by his hand and pull him towards us .

" Jackson and Amanda this is Aiden, " I introduce them to each other with a smile.

Jackson gives Aiden a bro hug. "It's nice to finally meet you Aiden, " Jackson says with a huge grin plastered on his face.

"It's nice to meet you too, " Aiden says with a smile.

"Congratulations on your pregnancy Amanda," Aiden says .

"Thank you Aiden. ", Amanda says with a tinge of pink covering her face .

"Come on guys , Maria and Brad are waiting for you, " I say and take Amanda's bag.

They all nod and follow me. We put the bags at the back of the car .

"I'm driving princess, " Aiden says with a smile and I throw the keys towards him with a smile.

I and Aiden sit in the front while Jackson and Amanda sit in the back seats.

"So how are preparations for the wedding going on?" Jackson asks as Aiden starts driving.

"They're going good, " I say with a smile.

"Kitty we've got to go somewhere. " he states reminding me and I nod. My parents, Ashton and Maddison.

We arrive home in half an hour or so . I take Amanda's bag while the guys carry the others .

We place the bags in their room. "I'll meet you guys after sometime, " I say and Jackson nods.

Aiden and I walk back to my room. Aiden locks the door behind us and wraps his arms around me.

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