10|Annie's Wedding .

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"When a person tells that you hurt them , you dont get to deal idea that you didn't. "
- Louis C. K

Bree's pov.
I get home by 10:00am. I had to apologise Maria for my behaviour yesterday.

I was really rude and she was just trying to help. I enter and go right into the kitchen. I knew Maria would be there.

"Maria? " I call her. She turns to me with a small smile. I go and hug her.

"I'm really sorry for my behaviour yesterday. I didn't mean to hurt you. I....I was just....." I say and she cuts me .

"It's alright sweetheart. I know you better than that, " she says. I release her from my hug.

"I need your help, " I say actually trying to smile.

"For what? " she asks me.

"I'm going to Annie's wedding.", I say and she smiles.

"That's great news . Then what are we waiting for? " she asks me with excitement.

It's been an hour and Maria is still going through my wardrobe for a perfect dress as she calls it.

I need to dress up well instead of looking like a lost person that I am. Atleast that would make Annie happy.

I couldn't help but think about my confrontation with Aiden since he'll be there.

"Here it is. A perfect dress for you, " Maria says holding out a grey colour floor length dress that my mom designed.

I nod as I come out of my shower in my bathrobe. She starts doing my hair and make up. She loves dress up and she did everything to make me look beautiful.

She left my curls over my shoulders. Atleast I was no more looking like I cried. I put on the dress .

"You look so pretty sweetheart, " she says looking at me .

Good thing I finished having my lunch cause I couldn't after going to the wedding.

"Thank you so much Maria, " I thank her with a small smile. We get down to the living room.

I take my wallet and phone. I had atleast half an hour to start. I better call Jackson.

"Hey Jackson, " I say.

"Hey Kitty. Okay I'm going to pretend that you were fine yesterday, " he says and I knew why . I didn't call him .

"We'll talk about it later Jackson. I'm going to Annie's wedding, " I tell him.

"That's great. Just tell me if anything goes wrong, " he says and I knew he was smiling at little.

"Will do. I need to leave now. So bye, " I say.

"Bye. Love you Kitty, " he says and drops the call. I get up to walk out of the house.

"Maria I'm leaving, " I announce .

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