28|A Promise. ❤

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"In dreams and love there are no impossibilities. "

-János Arany

Bree's pov.
"Aiden stop fucking staring at me like that, " I say as I continue my research on our project .

Jackson and Amanda left two days ago. Brad and Maria went on their honeymoon yesterday and will be back only after a week.

So it was only me and Aiden since Aiden didn't want me to stay alone and Jackson was happy with Aiden staying at my place.

"I can't help it when you're beautiful in every way, " he says smirking and a small smile forms on my face.

"You don't get to touch me unless we're done with the project which would take atleast another day since I'm doing it all alone, " I say staring at my laptop with a smirk.

I feel Aiden frown next to me and I smile in victory. How on earth would I do this whole project on my own without my partners help?

"Alright tell me what to do, " he says and finally gives in.

I turn to face him and explain what he had to do. There was only a small part of the project left and it would only take an hour if he does it.

"That's it?" he asks me once I finish explaining.

"Yeah that's it, " I say with a smile . He leans and pecks me on my cheek before taking his laptop . He starts concentrating on his work .

He looks so hot while concentrating . I love every thing about him.

"Baby doll do you really think I can do the project with you staring at me like that?" Aiden asks me and my face heats up.

I look away and continue my work. It's been a tiring day at school. It's only 7:00pm and I'm yawning already.

"Princess I'm ordering pizza, " Aiden states with a grin which I return. I love pizza. Aiden orders the pizza while I get back to work.

My part of the project was done and I save the file.

"Finally I completed it, " I say grinning.

"I'm going to finish mine in the next ten minutes, " Aiden says smirking.

"I'll be in the kitchen , " I say and get out of the room.

I head to the kitchen and take a coke tin . The bell goes off and I get to the door.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask Ricky and Rachel.

"Is this how you welcome your friends? " Ricky asks with a smirk.

"Come in guys ," I say shaking my head with a smile.

Just then I see Aiden walking down the stairs with a smile.

"You knew they were coming?" I ask Aiden surprised.

"Yeah, " he says with a smile. The bell goes off again and I open it. The pizzeria guy.

Aiden comes up next to me and pays the guy. I raise an eyebrow at the number of pizza boxes. He ordered four .

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