06|Trying To Be Normal.

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"Pain and suffering are always inevitable things for a large intelligence and a deep heart."

Bree's pov.

"Jared stop!" I squeal unable to control my laughter while he continues tickling me.

"No princess. You pay for not letting me kiss you!" he says laughing.

I pull his face to mine and kiss him. He smiles against my lips before I push him away and laugh running into the beach water.

"I'm not going to leave you, love. Not now, not till the end," he says laughing and running towards me. But I suddenly start drowning.

"Jared!" I call out to him. I couldn't breathe...........


My eyes snap open, and I take a deep breath. I burst into tears. Jared.

I look at the time. 6:00 am. It's a fucking Monday. I get off my bed and get to the bathroom to brush and shower. Getting out of the shower, I walk towards my closet and put on my nerd outfit again. Today it's a year since Jared died. A whole fucking year

I run my hands through my hair. I put my hair into a ponytail. I take my backpack and phone. I get down for breakfast. My eyes felt sore since I slept at 2:30 am or so cause I just couldn't get myself to sleep.

"Good morning Maria," I say and sit down on the barstool.

At least it's better than sitting on the dining table and reminding me of all the stuff. Maria gives me my coffee and breakfast before she walks around up to me to hug me.

"Oh, Bree you have a fever," she says while placing her hand on my forehead.

"I'm still going to school Maria. I'm in need of some distraction," I say sipping on my coffee but with my mind clouding with thoughts of Jared.

"But sweetheart..." she starts, but I cut her off.

"Please, Maria. I promise I'll come back home if I feel worse," I said with pleading eyes and she just nods before I look at the time. 7:30 am already.

"Okay, then I'm leaving Maria. Bye," I say.

"Bye Bree. Please take care of yourself," she says. Brad was driving today because I was in no mood to drive and I'll probably end up crashing my car into something because of my non-stop thoughts.


I get out of the car as we reach the school's parking lot, damn the crowd. Taking a deep breath with my eyes closed, I calm my mind down before turning back to face Brad.

"Thanks, Brad," I say and walk towards the school.

I was ten minutes before time today. I take my books from my locker and walk into Ms.Stump's class. No one was there, so I decided on taking the last row today. I rest my head on the desk since no one was going to show up until ten minutes later.

"Hey Bree," someone says next to me making my head snap.

"Not you again," I say as I look at Aiden. I can't say I'm as annoyed by his presence as before but honestly, I've seen him way too much lately and I really don't need extra trouble from the bad boy of the school. I am really feeling tired, and I yawn before resting my head back on the desk.

The ReasonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora