09|Not Again!

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"Pain is something to master not to wallow in."

Bree's pov.
I'm waiting for the class to end. I need to go and pee . Fucking hell. It's a Friday and I just can't wait for the day to end too.

The bell goes off indicating that the class is over. I take my books and rush down to my locker, place the book and go towards the washroom. Thank God.

Before I could come out , I hear girls speaking and hold back.

"Aiden's going to win the bet , " one girl says. What bet?

"What is the bet about, " another girl asks.

"Ricky and Aiden had a bet about Aiden getting the nerd laid and it seems to be that Aiden is winning, " she states.

"Do you mean Bree Adams? " one girl asks.

"Yeah, " the girl answers. I shouldn't have trusted him. My phone buzzes in my pocket.

Aiden : where are you?

Fucking asshole. I don't answer that and shove the phone back into my pocket.

I was so stupid to believe him. I compared him to Jared. I was fucking off my mind.

I wait for the girls to leave. I save my tears for later. I bang my fist against something and I could feel the blood trickle down my arm.

No one could see it since I was wearing a hoodie. I rush down to my locker and take my bag. A hand grabs my arm, forcing me to turn around.

"What's wrong with you? " he asks me. Aiden of course.

"You know what Aiden? Thank you for making me smile . I told you it wouldn't last long. But still thank you cause I've seen my brother happy for at least a few days. And I'm not like the other girls that you get laid with, " I say and yank my arm from his. His face looked emotion less.

"Are you fucking bleeding? " he asks me. I don't answer and walk down to the principal's room.

"Is everything alright Ms.Adams? " Mr. Thomas asks me as I enter. I pull my sleeves down so that he wouldn't notice the blood.

"I'm not really feeling well so I would like to go home, " I state without hesitation.

"I'll speak to your teachers. You may go, " he says and I thank him before I leave his office.

Aiden was right there. "Baby doll let me explain...." he says but I cut him off.

"Don't you fucking dare call me that, " I yell at him and walk away.

He was right behind me but I just walk faster and get to my car . I get in and take off.

I don't drive home , I go to Jared instead. I take off my hoodie and throw it in the back seat. My phone starts ringing. Jackson.

I couldn't talk to him right now. I cut the call and put a message saying that I would call him later.

I switch off my phone and leave it in the car. I sit down next to his grave on the soft grass.

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