Chapter One

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"Another Day another Dollar"

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"Another Day another Dollar"

My iPhone alarm rang loudly in my ear as my eyes shot open. After a long weekend it was back to my 9-5 grind. As tired as I was I didn't want to go to work today but being only 20 raising my 7 year old sister it keeps me going everyday. I got up and did my morning process the ping on my outfit for today along with my name tag that said Calisé Asst Manager. I put my dreads up in a sloppy bun and was ready to start my day.

"Miss Daniels is it alright if I take Jordyn to the park today?" Asked Shanise, my 15 year old neighbour who babysat while I worked.

"Yea that's fine just make sure she eats and is dressed right today. I heard it was going have a little wind chill.

She nodded and I heard my sisters footsteps coming towards the living room.

"Morning Cali!" She gave me my regular hug.

"Morning sissy. Sorry I didn't make breakfast this morning I gotta get ready to go. Shanise said she'll take you to the park today and when I get home we can watch moana." She smiled and answered with an "okay.".

I grabbed my things getting ready to go when I felt a tall on my side.

"Okay. Tell Kaila I say hi." she smiled.

I kissed her on the cheek and opened the door to leave. Going to my car I got ready to put my phone on the aux. Looking at the date I sighed realize it was get closer to May 2nd.

May 2nd had been my mothers birthday. Sadly she pasted a few years ago. After Jordyn was born she had post party's desperation heavily. I tried everything to keep her afloat but I could but it was enough she past when I was 12 and Jordyn was only 2.

I shook the thought clearly my throat and putting on the SZA radio getting ready for a semi long drive to my job.

Doves in the wind played as I drove to start my day.

It was a good way to start a day.

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