Chapter Ten

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We arrived at the Fogo de Chão Brazilian Steakhouse Restaurant. The chauffeur let us out and we headed in the restaurant. Chris reserved our seats and we sat in the back by the window. He held my hand the whole time not wanting to let me go.

"Are you happy?" Chris asked as we sat down.

"I'm very happy." I said staring into his eyes.

I couldnt help to notice that he bit his lip ever time he looked at me. It made me wanna jump over the table and confiscate his lips, I knew he had to have something planned so I keep my thoughts to my self.

The waiter came by and asked us for our drinks. She kept staring at me which made uncomfortable. We told her what we wanted and she left.

"I think she likes you." Chris said smiling at me.

"That's not cute nor is it funny." I said rolling my eyes.

"Who was laughing?" I smacked my teeth and opened the menu. I was going to get Alcatra. I missed eating steak.

The waiter came back with our drinks but this time her shirt was a little unbutton. I know she don't like me that much.

" Are you ready to order?" she said to me.

Chris looked at me and chuckled I gave him the finger and he pointed to his watch.

"Yes Ill be having the Alcatra medium-well. Chris dear, what will you be having?"

"Same as you baby."

The waiter mugged him and we handed her our menus and she walked to the back. I laughed at him and he mugged me.

"I guess you're lucky enough to have me."

"I guess I am. Now come give me a kiss." I smiled and reached over the table and we kissed.

"I love how you blush." he said kissing my hand.

"I know." I said blushing again.

"Oh, I almost forgot." He went into his pocket and pulled out a blue box. He gave it to me and I opened it to a necklace with a C in diamonds on it.

"This is beautiful. Is it for me or you?" I asked.

"For us." He smiled.

I cheesed and his phone had went off. He looked and ignored it but it happened multiple times. It wasn't until he had to turn his phone off. I let it slide and we talked some more. The waiter came back with our food. We ate and after we finished the waiter brung the bill along with her number.

"Call me." she said before walking away.

" She really did that in front of you?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"It don't matter. She can't have you no way."

"I know that's right ." he kissed me again. He paid the bill and tipped the waiter. The chauffeur picked us up and took us to Chris house.

I took off my heels and Chris carried me to his room and laid me on the bed. He got on top of me and kissed me lips and my neck making me giggle.

" I love you Cali."

I stopped. I looked at him in his eyes. The way he looked at me was serious. I stared at him for awhile before I could respond.

"You mean that?"

He nodded and sat up.

"I've always loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you. Despite our past I knew you belonged to me. I hate that you had to go through some shit without me because I felt I should of been there. Especially an Qua-"

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I put my finger to his mouth stopping him.

I love you too." I said smiling.

He smiled back and kissed me some more. This time they were more passionate. He went lower and lower. I stopped him before he went below my waist.

"I-Can you just hold me?"

He stared at me before getting into a cuddling position. I know this isn't what he or I wanted but it was something I needed. I get things would change for the better and I couldn't ask for more.


The sound of someone knocking on the front door woke me up. I slowing moved out of Chris's arms. I put on one of his shorts and made my way to the door. As I did the knocking got louder. I then I opened the door it was some girl with a bad lace front stood there.

"What are you doing here?" Ashanti asked me.

"You came to my boyfriend house, whatchu want?" I said crossing my arms.

"Your boyfriend? Please I was just his girl a couple months ago you ain't nothing." she said rolling her eyes.

"Listen. I've been holding back on yo ass for quite some time now. I have no reason to anymore so please pipe that bark down if you ain't finna bite."

I heard footsteps coming down stairs. I turned to see Chris. He stood there with an angered look on his face.

"The fuck you doing here?" He said coming into the doorway.

"Call the fuck down Christian. You know exactly what im here for!" she said, her voice sound hurt.

"What is she talking about?" I asked.

"Oh you ain't tell the new bitch? I'm 7 months pregnant with his baby." She crosses her arms.

I looked down and hadn't realized her stomach coming out her shirt. I looked back up to her who had a nasty smirk on her face.

"How the fuck I know that baby mine anyway? You was out fucking niggas I ain't know about so don't pin nobody baby on me until I know for sure."

"You mad at me for cheating when obliviously you were fucking with her? I'm not fucking stupid Christian."

I stood shocked at the whole situation. It was 7 in the morning and I was tryna process all of it. My mind couldn't get of the thought of sliding this bitch cause she was getting slick at the mouth. What she saying wasn't wrong. He did technically cheat on her with me but we've never had sex. Not only that but she's was pregnant with his possible baby. It was all too much to handle right now.

"I'll see you in 2 months." He finally finished the argument slamming the door in her face.

I sat on his couch holding my head. Just some months ago my life was going great and just like that I'm in a mixture too deep to get out of. I could never catch a break.

"Baby you good?" He sat next to me and went to hold my hand. I'm reaction I snatched it away.

"This is too much, all this is too much Christian, first my father, the kidnapping and now this? It's been four months Chris. If I knew being with you was gonna be like this-

"So what you tryna say Cali? You running out on me? I get this shit fell hard. You been going through hell and I had repay for all of that. Everything you have now is yours and no one can take it from you. Regardless of the bullshit I care about you and your wellbeing Calisé. She only just started telling me about the baby some weeks ago so it's not to certain it's mine. If it is then I'll be resistible enough as man to take care of him or her, the real of it all is are you gonna be there for me?"

I thought for a second. Maybe I was overreacting or possibly.. I wasn't. I was beat and thrown out of my home, sold to a man, beat and almost killed and more drama has been added. I had to thinking about not only me but what this put my sisters through. I really did love him but it seemed m hard to do it. I didn't want to leave him but my mind had it's doubts.

"I don't know." Was all I could really answer.

"So last night meant nothing to you?" He said I could hear the hurt in his voice.

"It meant everything." I wrapped my arms around him, embracing everything.

"I'll just have to learn to deal with this as long as it doesn't put anyone else in harms way. Being with you and around you makes me feel safe but when the environment isn't then what am I supposed to do?"

He said nothing. Instead he took a deep breath holding me close for a few minutes.

"I'll leave the drug game. If that makes you feel safer I'll leave. You and jaybug safety do what matter to me most and I can jeopardize that over no kilos." He said.

I nodded in argeement. He brought his lips to mine, leaving a sloppy kiss on my lips.

"Come on let's gon lay up. It to early to start the day."

I smiled following him back up stairs. In his bed he laid on his back and I wrapped my body around his. His warmth invited me while his heart kept a steady and soothing beat.

"Imma do better. For me and us." He said

I slid there, potentially falling asleep in a matter of minutes.


I wanted my old life back.

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