Chapter Eleven

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"Drake baby can you get me a honey bun from the vending machine?" I said as I fanned my self.

It was hot as hell in here and I'm wearing a full sweat outfit. It ain't my fault it's cold outside.

"Can I get one?" Mani said playing with some toys.

"Make that three baby."

He nodded his head and went to the vending machine. I checked the time. It was 1:37. My appointment was supposed to be at 1:30. Cali was lucky that she was late or she'd miss me.

"Here you go Kay." he handed me two and gave Layla one. He sat down and got on his phone. He's been like that lately and it's making me mad. It's stressing me out and it's not good for me and the baby.

"Lemme find out." I said.

He raised a brow and shook his head.

I ate the first one in one swallow. An old lady was looking at me like I was crazy.

"Excuse me can I eat in peace?" she hurried and turned her head. I looked at the door and saw The doctor coming.

"Umm Miss Summers." The nurse called my last name. I looked over towards where drake wasn't he wasn't paying no mind. I rolled my eyes and tapped Mani.

"Come on Mani." I said walking toward the door.

I hope Drake gets his mind right before this baby come.


"Drake I know you ain't fucking with Ole girl while Kaila bouta have to baby." I said while we was driving to the trap.

"I mean it's only head. No problem." he said rolling up a blunt then lighting it.

" If that was Cali she'd beat a bitch ass. She did it before."

Drake laughed and passed the blunt and I put the car on cruise control. I puffed it a couple times then passed it back to him. I haven't talked to Cali in a minute but imma let her breath. I decided to head to the trap since it was my only option.

I walked in and everyone was what they was supposed to. I surprised but I know the knew better.

I walked to my office and there was a package on my desk. I opened it and a picture and a CD fell out.

I picked up the picture of a little girl prolly about 3 years old. She looked just like Cali but he hair was curlier and her eyes were darker. I looked at the CD and it said watch me on the cover.

I put it in my CD player and turned on the TV and pressed play.


"Chris. This is Thomas. You see that little girl in the pictures? That Cali's daughter. She 3 years old. Its a long story but I- I love Cali to death and didn't want her no where near my business or the men who work for me but that's what she did and got pregnant. That bastard.

He stopped.

She lives in New York with my brother Drew. Quan, your old friend, that's Jayana father. I know you remember him. He's coming after her and I need you to get her first. Don't tell Cali I did this and I need you to trust me. Hurry. When you find her there will be another package. Please go get my granddaughter.

The video turned off and I stood there. This was all to much to handle right now. Cali had a daughter and didn't tell me about it? She lucky I love her and I would care for this little girl.

I grabbed the CD and walked out my office and Drake was arguing with some short little nigga. I walked in between them facing drake.

"We ain't go time fa this right now. We got something to do. Adrian watch over. "

I walked off and Drake followed up. We got in the car and we drove to my house. I let Drake watch the CD and he was a surprised as I was.

"Cali got a baby by Quan?"

I clenched my fists thinking about it. Quan  once my brother, we all grew up together all though but he grew out to be low down dirty nigga whos mind was beyond corrupted. I still remember the first time me and him met Cali.

Flash back

" who da Lil mama over there?"

I looked a crossed the parking lot and seen a beautiful brown skin with long dark hair a big smile. She was talking to some girl who was laughing with her. We walked over there to get a closer glimpse at her and she looked even more beautiful up close.

" Aye ma whats good?" Quan said looking her up in down like a her was reading her.

"Not much." Her voice was so soft and cute. Quan did the smile that he did to every girl he wanted to smash.

" This my girl here." Drake wrapped his arms around her friend who removed her body from him causing us to laugh.

I shook my head and looked over to see an all black Porsche pulling up. It looked like my boss T-Mack's car.

She looked at me and smiled. She was so perfect.

"Uh we can talk later my dads here."

She walked to the car and her body swayed perfectly as she left. Quan was biting his lip and some mo.

"Nigga that's boss's daughter. You know not to mess with her." we walked back to my car and he followed up.

"But I have to. Im feeling her bad." he said getting in the passenger side.

"Man whatever."


They dated for a while and he ended up doing dirty. I didn't really see Cali after that but I know if someone said something about her Thomas would get mad.

We put him in jail for awhile but I guessed out now. He's hated all of us every since. Especially Thomas.

"Are you going to go?"

I thought about it. I was mad that she didn't tell me but Quan can't take her baby.


"Ight if I'm down you down. I hope Kaila don't get mad."

"She wont. I bet she know about her. Tell her but make sure she doesn't tell Cali."

"Let's go."




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