Chapter Four

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I woke up to the sound of knocking on the door. I checked my phone and it was 3:34 in the morning.

I rubbed my eyes and walked to the door. I looked through the peephole and it was a man with a suit case. Them Jehovah witness won't never let me sleep.

"I told y'all I d-." My eyes got big. I couldnt believe who was in front of me.

"Daddy's home."

"Wha- how did you get out so early and why are you her-" my dad stopped me.

"All that matters is I'm home. Go back to bed and I'll make myself comfortable down here." he said closing the door and shooing me up stairs.

As tired as I was I just did as I was told but I was still confused. Why is he here now and how did he know where I live?


I woke up to the smell of eggs, ham and bacon omelets. Then I remembered last night.

I rolled my eyes and got up out of bed. I looked at my clock and it was 11:37. I had to be at work at 1:00 so I had some time.

I did my hygiene process and went to go wake up Jordyn.

"Sissy it's time to wake up."

I looked in her room and she wasn't in there. I heard laughter downstairs and I knew it was her.

I went downstairs to see she was with dad. I walked pasted them and went to the kitchen to make me some cereal.

My dad stopped tickling her and came up to me.

"Calisé why you acting like this, I'm finally home, you didn't miss me?" he said looking at me with sympathy in his eyes.

I pushed past him as I walked to the table. I sat down and he sat down across from me.

"Cali look. I know you dont probably like me right now but just listen. Ill promise I'll make it up to you and Jay. My only priorities will only be you two. I know our relationship was rocking in the past but I need you to trust me. Please." He touched my hand and it looked like he was going to cry. I wanted to trust him but I couldn't. I just could never.

"I'm sorry i have to go."

I quickly finished my cereal and checked the time. I shot a text to Shanna letting her know my father was here so come quick. It was almost tine for work so I got everything ready and kissed Jordyn on the cheek and left.

I wiped a tear from my eye as walked to the car. This
seemed so unreal. Seeing him again gave me mixed emotions. I wasn't gonna let it bother me, I had enough going on.


"So he basically came at the middle of the night with no explanation?" Kayla said biting into her burger.

"Girl yes. Now he want me to trust him like he ain't been gone for years? He wasn't never there when mama was gone and I had to take care of myself and Mani and he wants me to let him back in?"

"Well maybe he's changed, 3 years can do a lot for a man."

I looked at her then around the food court. I had noticed a girl that looked just like Chris girl and she was with some dude. Kayla saw it too.

"I'm taking pictures." She sung grabbing her phone.

"No. Chris is supposed to be coming to see me. I know he'll see her too." I said.

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