Chapter Twenty Eight: Wedding Day

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"Last night was crazy man, too bad you past out the dancer was all over a nigga." Ty said rubbing his hands together.

"Ion even wanna think about last night man. I was tired so I went to sleep. Not to be reminded buzzkill was written on my forehead with marker.

Ty laughed and I mugged him.

"My bad homie, loosen up. Be happy be healthy."

I shook my head this nigga reciting bees now?

He ended up leaving and my mom and in. She looked great despite her sickness. Her dress what red and nicely done. It almost look like the one she was married in.

"You ready baby?" momma said fixing my tie.

"Yea Im a little nervous though." I said.

"Baby there's nothing to be nervous about. I understand why you are but you're getting married to the woman you're in love with and you have a family with her. The only reason you should be nervous is when you're saying vows and your fly might be down."

I looked down to check my fly and she laughed.

"Its alright Christian. You'll be fine." she said.

I smiled and hug her. Although we had some bad times that'll never change the fact that that's my moms.

"I love you momma." I said.

She let go of the hug and she had a tear in her eye. I wiped her tear and she smiled.

"You growing into your father." she said.

She walked out the room and I looked at my self in the mirror. I saw my father in me. I still remember what he told me before he died.

"Son, I wish I couldn't showed you better. I love you and your sister and especially your mother. I want you to grow up and be a better me. Get a wife,a family, and a home. These streets gon get you killed and I cant have your mother handling all that pressure. Be what I know you can be my son. I see you in me. I love you Christian. I love you.

My eyes got watery. I was my fathers son and he was gone. I was him and I know he up there looking down at me, proud.

"You showed me a lot and this is why I am who I am now. I finna prove to you Im who you wanted me to be."

I looked at myself one more time and checked my watch.

"Lets go." I said to myself.

I walked past Cali's dressing room and I heard her,Tanya,Crystal and Kaila giggling and talking. I decided to head on to the ceremony were everyone was getting ready.

" Can't believe it cous." Von said.

"Me either he was always a player wasn't he?" Ty said.

We laughed and they sat down. Everybody was quieting down and I got in my stands. Pastor Tory smiled at me as he began opening the book. It was finally quiet and everyone turned to look at Cali. Her cheeks were bright red as if she was shy. Her uncle held her arm as they walked down the aisle. Behind her was Laila and Jayana as flower girls. She smiled as she stood next to me with a big bouquet of flowers in her hand. I took a deep breath as Pastor began speaking.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today, in sight of God and in the presence of these witnesses to join this Christian Stevens and Calisé Daniels in holy matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly, and solemnly. Into this these two persons present now come to be joined. Chris Stevens, do you take this woman to be your wedded wife? To promise to love her comfort her, honor and keep her in sickness and in health remaining faithful to her as long as you both shall live?"

" I do." I said.

"Calisé Daniels do you take this man to be your wedded husband? To promise to love him, comfort him, honor to keep him in sickness and in health remaining faithful to him as long as you both shall live?"

" I do." she said smiling as tears fell down her face.

"Then by the power invested in me, I may now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

I wiped her tears and grabbed her face. Everyone cheered as we kiss and it was as if it a spark flew once again. She smiled as the girls came running down the aisle. I looked over at momma who smiled and nodded. I looked once more and looked up. All I could think of was I made it.... I finally made it..




"I cant believe it!" Kaila said looking at me.

"I know. I feel so... Happy." I said relieved.

I looked around and everyone was having a good time. The little party Aunt Tanya planned was going well and I couldn't think to be only happy for myself.

"What time is it?" she asked

"8:16 why?" I said.

She gasped and grabbed my hand. She took me to the center of the dance floor. Everyone looked as the lights lowed down. Chris walked to center as "You For Me" by Johnny Gill came on. He placed his hand on mine as we slowly began to dance.

It was as if I was in Beauty and Beast except it was my fairy tale. OUR fairy tale to be exact. Never in a thousand years would I think something like this would happen. My past has brought me here and I thank it for doing so.

"Cali?" Chris whispered to me.

"Hmm." I said laying my head on his chest.

"I'm glad we ended up like this. I'm lucky to call you my wife."

I looked up into eyes. Everything zoned out and it was just us two. He bit his lip and started singing the song. After awhile the song ended and a dance came on. All the little kids started dancing and Chris danced some. Once everything chilled we sat at our table as certain people came and said words. We cut cake and just had a fun time. It ended a little bit after 11 everyone began to leave and congratulate. Momma, Kayla, Drake and baby Kennedy stayed after. We all drove to our house and go situated.

"What a long day." Momma said as she sat on the couch wore out.

"I know, but it's crazy cause I can finally called her my woman and wife." Chris said looking at me.

"Y'all stay caked up. Should we take the kids with us and take momma home" Kaila said.

"No I think mom-"

"No you two need some time alone, lord knows me and his father did, that's how Chris was born." She said laughing.

"Nahh I think we done with kids." I said.

"That's what they all say." Drake said.

"Nahh I think 3 is enough." Chris said.

"So what y'all finna do?" Kaila asked.

"Staying home with my family. I think that's something relaxing." I said.

"Momma you staying?" Chris asked.

"No imma head home and leave y'all to your doings I'll be fine at home." She said.

"Be safe momma." I said.

"Child I be fine. I need a bubble bath and my stories and I'll be good."

Chris looked at her and gave her a big hug.

"I love you momma." He said.

"I love to too baby." She said.

With that we said our good byes and Chris put on the Cat In The Hat and we all laid back. By the end everybody was sleep including Chris. I headed to the bathroom and I took me a shower. After so long my life began to feel complete. No more drama no more problems. Just me and my family.

I was finally fulfilled.

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