Chapter Twenty Nine

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" I still can't believe we're leaving soon." I said piling another box in the living room.

"Yea all our little memories, everything. It was so toxic. I'm glad we leaving girl." She said laughing.

Essence began to whine and I went to get her. I smelled some stink and looked at Kaila. She laughed and got up to grab her.

"I got this." She said.

"Thanks boo." She took Essence and my phone rang. It was Chris.

"I gotta word in the house."

"Good what's going on?"

"It's ready but I told him give us a week. How much of the house needs to be boxed up?"

"The kitchen and our bedrooms. I ran outta boxes."

"I'll get some."


With that the conversation was over.

"Wanna take the kids to the play land in the mall?" I asked her.

"Kennedy is with her grandma but I'd be willing to go with your children." She said.

"I need a break from this anyway, all this moving got my head hurting." She added.

I laughed and shook my head.

"Children get your coats on we're going to the mall."

"Yay!" They both said.

"Ill get Essence ready." Kaila said. I grabbed my keys and coat, we got the kids and rolled out.

"Can we listen to Cardi?" Mani asked.

"Yea Cardi Cardi!" Emery jumped in.

I looked at Kaila who turned on the radio.

"Y'all something else." I said.

I started the car and we head on our way.


"Imani get off the slide like that." I said to her.

"Do you ever get tired?" Kaila asked laughing.

"Surprisingly no. This is fine to me. It's perfect." I said.

"I can't even handle Kennedy. She always at her grandmas." She said.

I shrugged my shoulders and Emmy came up to me.

"Why daddy here?" She said.

I looked over to see Chris walking. He gave me a kiss and looked at the babies.

"Essence stay sleep." He said.

"Well I'm just not here." Kaila said offended.

"My bad Kaila. What's sis? You look good and that's Period Pooh." He said making us laugh."

He looked back at me with a look in his eyes.

"Kaila can you do me a favor?" He asked."

"Yea what?" She said.

"Watch the kids." He said taking my hand and taking me away.

"Chris what are you doing?" I asked.

He looked at me and we ended up in a secluded place of the mall. Once we where alone he kissed me and lifted me against the wall.

"Chris what are you doing?" I said  pushing his face.

" I miss you Cali." He said seductively.

He tried to take off my clothes but I pushed him off.

"Why can't we do this at home? It's more appropriate." I said.

He smacked his teeth and put me down.

"Cmon." He said.

He took me back to the playground where Kaila was playing with the babies.

"Can you take them to mamas?" Chris said.

She looked at him and then at me.

"You guys are nasty. But I'll do it." She said going back to playing with the kids.

Chris grabbed my hand and he rushed us out the mall. We made it home as quick as possible and he went straight to business.

"I miss you so much Cali." He said kissing and touching my body.

"I missed you too." I said.

He picked me up and took me upstairs. We went to the room. Still kissing he took off his and my clothes. He stopped for a moment then looked up at me.

"You're so beautiful." He said.

I smiled, putting my hair behind my ear. He kissed my lips once again. I probably wanted it as bad as he did since I never see him and I'm always with the kids.

Within 5 minutes we had our clothes off and were already getting into. Everything felt so good and I wanted more. We had it going for a few hours before we both climaxed. He flopped over on the side of the bed. Both breathing heavily we faced each other and smiled. I grabbed his chin and kissed him.

"Meet me in the shower?" I said getting up.

I slowly made my way to the bathroom making sure I had him looking. I went into the bathroom and started the shower. I turned on music and got in. Washing my body and singing I was feeling it. I moved my hips to the music and used the soap as a microphone. I felt hands grab my waist and kiss my neck, I turned to Chris smiling at me from ear to ear like he had a third grade crush on me.

"Why you smiling at me?" I said giggling.

"Cause I finally got something I been wanting for long time." He said.

I blushed thinking I was dumb enough to fall for Quan and not for Chris. I'm just glad to finally be with someone who loves me for me. We finished up and got out. It was around five and I wanted to see the kids.

"We going to mommas." I said putting in my clothes.

"Call from Crystal." My phone said.

I grabbed my phone. I answered and it sounded like she was crying. Chris had looked at me and I put it on speaker.

"Cali?" Crystal sniffling.

She was crying. I saw a look in Chris face but I put my finger up my lips.

"What's wrong Crystal?" I asked.

"I...please come get me don't let Chris know please." She said.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"On Third and Michal please hurry." She begged.

"Ok I'm on my way don't move." I said hanging up.

I looked up and Chris was angry. He quickly put on his clothes and grabbbed his keys.

"Chris no go get the kids I'll get her." I said.

"Cali If something happened to my sister."

He stopped and looked at me again.

"Go get her. Call me as soon as." He said.

I nodded and quickly got my stuff. Chris left before me and I texted Crystal to make sure she was okay. She texted right after saying she changed streets. I quickly headed to my car and get ready to leave and go to the streets she told me she was on. Once I arrived at the street she wasn't there. I called and texted but she didn't answer me.  My heart raced as I drove around the neighborhood hoping she was close. After a few minutes I got a text from her and it read Help! I'm on Jane and Huret Im hiding behind a dumpster. I didn't know where it was so I quickly put my GPS in. I knew I had to get there as soon as possible, who knows who she's running from?

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