Chapter 1: Welcome

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Friday, May 27th

The alarm began blaring, reaching the girl's ears in muffled rings as she shuffled her head around under the covers. She let out an involuntary groan of protest as she refused to submerge into consciousness.

After a few more moments of the irksome noise, she swung her hand out of the covers to flail her blind limb about, until eventually striking the clock on the head to drastically silence the scene. "Ugh...get up..." She told herself in a groggy voice before reluctantly lifting her body up to stare at her wall as the sleep began slipping away from her drowsy perception.

(Y/n) stretched around her stiff joints as she slid out of bed. Grabbing her uniform, she immediately began assembling her clothes while multitasking with the preparations of her bag. She hobbled around in the small space that was her room, proceeding to quickly reach one side to the other in a swift procedure.

After deeming herself presentable, she hopped around her tight area to reach one side to the other and leave her private environment behind. As she walked a few paces towards the tight stairs, she just managed to catch her mother at the door and caught her attention with an inquisitive tone.

"You're leaving already?" The woman looked back to regard her daughter with a smile. The older female swiftly used her nimble, thin hands to put on her shoes and finish off her attire before returning her child's notice with an energetic grin.

"My shift is starting earlier than usual, apparently one of the guys made a mess in the main entrance. I'll see you after school (Y/n)." She quickly ran out of the door with a last wave of goodbye before disappearing to her cleaning arrangement. The younger girl shook her head in silent disapproval, wishing she had exchanged her own words with the departed worker.

(Y/n) sighed at the exhausted look her mother had acquired. The girl guiltily moped down the stairs to enter the kitchen where she noticed her older brother not even remotely prepared for the outside world. "Mikah why aren't you dressed? You have track practice in only a few minutes." The boy proceeded to mind his own business as though not hearing a word the girl said.

She approached the male before sighing at the sight of the laking breakfast materials held in the kitchen. She glanced back at her brother who continued sitting at the table with nothing more than his underwear, making no move to comply with her request in selecting additional garments.

"Mikah come on. You need to be out of here in 20 minutes..." She whined at him, searching around the sink and drawers for the cutlery for her cereal. As she looked over to her lounging brother, a realisation dawned on her as he casually ate his own bowl. "Did you use the last spoon...?"

"Hm?" He regarded her for a split second before picking up on her request. "Oh, sorry." The boy placed the entire silverware in his mouth before roughly licking it clean and nonchalantly presenting it to the girl to use. "Here."

(Y/n) stared at his cluelessness before heavily groaning in defeat. "Just keep it...I'll make toast. Where's Mai?" The female looked around her surroundings to notice the absence of their little sister. "Don't tell me you didn't wake her up!"

"She said she didn't want to." The girl huffed in frustration before walking out of the kitchen to head towards the room across from them. Her brother's lazy mannerisms stood harshly over her shoulders as they acted as an irritating weight for her to bear.

"You better be changed by the time I come back!" Mikah stared after his sibling before exhaling and leaving the table to oblige with her orders.

(Y/n) entered her sister's petite room and looked over towards the thin covers as they kept falling and rising in a consistent breathing pattern. The female gently stepped towards the bed before leaning over the little girl to see her sleeping head peaking out of the sheets. (Y/n) placed her hands over the cover, pausing for a moment before proceeding to dance her fingers around, over the child's body until small muffled giggles and laughs escaped through the fabric.

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