Chapter 18: Understanding

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(Y/n) finally felt the weight of her actions as the dread realisation dawned on her. She was trying to stand up to an incredibly unpredictable and deranged individual with no witnessed in sight, no protection, nor words to her disposal. All she could do was timidly stare as the revelation caught up to her, feeling completely helpless in front of the unfazed male. She knew backing out would be pointless and degrading, and had to figure a course of action as soon as possible.

Gennai watched the girl with a calculative gaze, seeming to plan out moves in his head like a strategic game. Realising that the female was lost for words -and the previous built up gull- he regarded her with the uncanny deep vocals that only she had become witness to. "What's wrong? Are you not enjoying your time here?" The undertone of playful mockery spiked the girl's annoyance as she tried to steady her words against the boy.

"I...! I want to know what you want from me. I want this to stop. What did I ever do to you?" She demanded through breathless exclamations, intently trying to figure the male's motifs.

Gennai watched her with a gaze that, she could feel, was insulting her intelligence. "Leave." He attempted to turn his attention back to the distraction he had been working on prior to the female's intrusion. However, the girl was far from done with the resolve.

"Please just tell me what the hell I ever did. I don't want to work like this and I want us to just leave each other alone!" As she continued pushing on her request, Gennai let out a low and irritated grunt.

"Then leave me alone, and go away." He counteracted her demand as he attempted to ignore her.

"Gennai-!" As she was prepared to protest against his obdurate behaviour the boy spun around to look at her with his unreadable eyes. The female became unnerved. She could not tell what his track of thought followed nor any intended action.

She was then given a glimpse of his intentions as he lifted up his hand to reveal a rubber bear toy in it. She stared at the object with confusion as to his intentions, while Gennai gave it a few light squeezes to make it squeak. As he proceeded to repeat the action a few more times, on his final squeeze he gave the toy an aggressive clench. (Y/n) nearly jumped as a thin object shot out of its mouth, passing her by just a few inches.

She heard a small tap behind her and turned around to see a needle lodged in the wall. 'Where the hell does this guy get his ideas from?!' She screamed in her mind before trying to compose herself when turning back to regard the boy outside her thoughts. "Will you just knock it off?! For the love of God, just tell me. I need to know if I'm supposed to do something! I need to-"

"I hate you!" The male burst out, his malevolent mannerisms finally showing through his calculative behaviour. "It's your fault big brother got hurt! It's because of you that he's..." The boy trailed off as he refused to recall on his sibling's state. (Y/n) took in a deep breath before levelling out her nature.

"I'm sorry but I refuse to take responsibility for something that I didn't do. I did not hurt Eban-"

"Liar!" Gennai threw the toy at the girl, managing to hit her shoulder before the rubber doll bounced away. The girl gulped at the seething attitude he was displaying and could feel her placid state disrupting from the intimidating air that surrounded him. "It's because of you that he's in hospital. It's your fault he got hurt. It's all your fault."

"I didn't even know he was there until the accident happened. I'm sorry, but I did nothing that warrants it being my fault." The girl's genuine display of innocence stirred the boy's temper.

"Then who's fault is it?! Are you saying it's mine?!" His resentment sieved through, insulted over the mere thought of the inclination.

The girl shook her head in opposition. "I know you were the one who purposefully tried to make me fall yesterday...but if I was the one who got hurt, then it would be your fault. But Eban was the victim and that has no one to blame. Neither you nor me intended it to turn out like that, and I'm sure you didn't expect it either." Gennai clenched his teeth at her as his eyes intently glared at the girl. "Not everything needs to have a culprit, sometimes it just happens out of convenience-"

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