Chapter 20: A Bright Visit

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Thursday, June 2nd

Maeda and Marco silently analysing their friend as she proceeded to eat her food a with jovial air around her. She held a more rejuvenated aura to accompany her positive exterior, continuing to smile at herself while her two companions shared theories over the source of her joy.

"So, (Y/n). You're in a good mood today." Maeda commented with an uncertain smile before getting regarded by the optimistic girl.

"I'm just so happy I'm not going to die today." She replied, further eluding away from answering her friends' concerns.

Marco leaned in towards his partner in speculation to whisper his conclusion. "I think the cleaning chemicals finally got to her." The two looked back towards the girl who happily hummed to herself as she enjoyed her lunch. After finding himself disinterested with the analytical behaviour, he ended up slumping against the table. "Guys...I think my boyfriend is cheating on me-"

"Say that when you have evidence!" The boisterous girl snapped before lowering her hype to annoyingly glare at the boy along with an equally irritated (Y/n). "Honestly, it's not even fun to tease you anymore." The purple haired female grumbled before laying her head down on the table between folded arms.

"Look on the bright side, next week we leave school on Wednesday. After that, Summer vacation!" (Y/n) stretched her arms to ease the tension in her muscles. "And it's really warming up now. Do you guys want to make plans to go somewhere?" The female questioned, perking the interest of her two companions.

"Hell yeah! Do you think your mum will be well enough to go back to work? I don't want you to skip on your shifts." Maeda half joked as a curious Marco peeked over her shoulder, also interested.

"Mum will most likely come back by the end of the week. She's a workaholic, she can't stay still for long." The girl sighed to herself at the relieving thought of no longer performing labour on behalf of her mother, though receiving a sense of guilt and uselessness as she would leave her parent to singlehandedly support the whole family once again. The trio were then alerted by the indicative sound of a bell, forcing them to groan out of their seats.

"Hey, can you wait here while I change out of my uniform?" (Y/n) questioned her female friend, getting the girl to confirm her request with a nod. The worker proceeded to enter the bathrooms where she received the lonesome privacy to switch clothes. "Did Marco already go?" She loudly asked, earning an unseen eye roll from her companion.

"Yes, he said he had to go and check up on his boyfriend. That guy is gonna lose him if he keeps acting this paranoid." Maeda called back, earning a confirming scoff from the changing girl.

"I wish he was that focused when we're having a conversation. He'll grow out of the distrust soon." (Y/n) assessed, putting on her last article of clothing before placing her uniform in her bag. "Do you think we should invite him for ice cream just to get him to relax? We can invite his boyfriend too." She quizzed, earning nothing but silence from the other side of the door. The female furrowed her brow as she called out once more, only for no response to follow. "Maeda, did you hear me-?" Upon opening the swinging entrance to the outside, the girl was greeted by an empty space of where her friend was supposed to be.

Gazing around the area, the only sign of human life came from the few arbitrary students that were leaving the building or running last errands for the day. The girl allowed confusion to seep in before shaking her thoughts away, concluding her friend to have left her.

'At least she could have told me...' Placing her bag over her shoulder, the girl lifted her mood up once again at the positive day she had planned to have at work, without the unnecessary worries of danger or stress. 'Well, duty calls.'

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