Chapter 3: Lust And Wrath

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Lust- An inordinate craving for the pleasure of the body. An uncontrollable passion or intense longing for sexual desires having little emotional attachment as one is blinded by lechery.

Wrath- Having uncontrollable feelings of anger, rage and hatred to the point of seeking injury and violence onto others. It is the loss of self-control and the craving to cause pain on others regardless of their innocence or guilt.

(Y/n) scouted around the long corridor as she recalled Geovanni's instructions over her next destination. 'So he said I'll need to turn left when I reach the end of the hall...gees this place is huge.' The female looked around the intricate walls and small sculptures that would occasionally pop up beside the trail, and couldn't help but feel alienated from the rest of the compound. The soft carpet beneath her feet felt soft and new, as though not a single foot had ever trudged its fur nor the stands and ornaments ever seeming to have been touched.

Amidst her sight seeing, the female was alerted as one of the soundless doors that remained ahead of her flew open for the rackets of giggles and chuckles to escape from the room. Out stumbled a young woman who's unkempt, long hair stuck out in an unruly fashion as though she had been rolling around for hours on end. She held articles of clothing in her hands as only a few items kept her voluptuous body covered.

The (h/c) haired girl watched the scene in surprised silence as the woman laughed on her way down the hall, seeming to disregard the stunned young female. "I'll see you next week sugar muffin~" She gave a flirtatious glance towards the gaping door before turning back around to depart down the corridor.

"Ah! I miss you already Julie, my flower." (Y/n) was drawn back towards the open entrance as an individual skipped out through doors with a hyper smile before immediately freezing in place at the sight of the new girl staring at him. The boy took a moment to register her image before an interested grin spread across his features as he set his sights on the stumped female. "Oh my~ Two lovely ladies in a row. Hm, must be a Saturday..." He approached the girl with a nonchalant stride while (Y/n) kept an unsure stare as he confidently progressed near her. Behind his black framed glasses were a pair of deep navy eyes that showed an immense spark of interest as they watched the heedful girl. When he had reached the female's vicinity, he slightly leaned in to take a closer look at her face while (Y/n) kept her stance in retaliation against appearing flustered at his actions, however maintaining a wary perception of the person before her. "Did you come here to see me, lovely? We can take this conversation in my room if you want."

The suggestively sweet undertone he held caught on to the girl's heightened instincts as she chose to politely step back before arousing any misconceptions. "No, I'm here looking for someone called Seok. I'm told his room is further down." The joyful boy gave her a bewildered expression as he straightened back up to stare into open space in awe.

"Seok...? That guy?! Has a girl after him? Huh...looks like there's hope for everyone these days." The boy scratched his dark, soft hair in wonder before the girl denyingly shook her head.

"No, no. You misunderstand. I need to speak to him about applying for a job here. My name is (Y/n) (L/n)." The boy became thoughtful at her words before humming in deep consideration.

"Hmm...(L/n)? Sounds familiar."

"That must be because of my mother. She worked here as a cleaner, I'm here to take her place until she comes out of hospital." The contemplative boy soon warmed his tone up as his eyes softened with sympathy.

"Oh yeah, I heard what happened this morning. Hope she's comes out alright." The female thanked the male's compassionate gesture before his energetic aura returned with full blast. "Well, if you're going to be working here, I might as well give you a helpful tip." He placed his palm atop the female's head and fondly petted her as a welcoming gesture. "Don't go into my room unless you're prepared to be traumatised." (Y/n)'s eyes widened, glancing towards the room he had emerged from as she mentally barricaded the area as a forbidden zone. "Hahaha, the name's Lilito sweet-cheeks. Come to me if you ever need some fun time, I wouldn't mind being your first~" He purred out the syrupy tone, locking his dark blue eyes with the female's as they held a mischievous spark in them along with a promising confirmation.

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