Chapter 22: Surfacing Feelings

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"I hope I'm not bothering you. I know you must be busy with work." Giovanni laid down his empty plates and bowls to one side of the room, leaving most of the space cleared up to allow the girl to settle herself down on the floor.

"I was just gathering up the laundry, it's not something that takes me long to do." She dismissed his concerned demeanour, looking around the space that seemed to have been fairly organised since her past visit. As her eyes trailed the corners and sides of the surroundings, her gaze fell on an oven that quietly sat at one space between the converging walls. 'So that's the magical chicken burner.' She humoured in her mind as she noticed the male approaching her.

"I wanted to have someone who can taste some of the desserts I made. Mind if you spare a second?" The girl perked up at the offer of sweetness and straightened her back in preparation before vigorously nodding.

"Yes! I can definitely spare some time." She excitedly chirped, bouncing her body impatiently as the boy responded with the same positivity.

"Perfetto! I'll bring the cakes and cannolis." He gladly exclaimed, detaching himself from the female to approach a covered tray on one of the tables.

The girl assessed her cosy surroundings, thoughtfully calculating how much work it would take to clean the area. Noting each stacked pile of plates, dishes, cups, bowls and utensils, she noticed the area to be less chaotic once the platters were neatly accumulated in chunks. Her mind soon was directed towards her company as she scooted back to allow a covered, large tray to be settled in front of her. "Oh wow, how many did you bake?" (Y/n) vehemently fidgeted, trying to abstain from touching the cover to reveal the desserts.

"Just a few..." He modestly mumbled before lifting up the cloth to unveil the rainbows of fruity and sweet pastry that were packed together in their overlapping plates, stacked next to each other in a ballet of chromatic and pastel colours stored together on the single space. (Y/n)'s eyes glistened with intrigue and excitement as she stared over each item of food.

"This is amazing!" She exclaimed, internally picking out which presentation would be the first to be tasted. Giovanni self-consciously blushed at the enthusiastic compliments before he lifted up a soft, green piece of cake to hand it towards the eager female who immediately stuck a fork into the fluffy material.

Lifting it towards her mouth, she expressed her gratitude towards the offering before taking the entire small quantity past her lips. The moment the cooked pastry touched her tongue, she felt her throat immediately protest as she was forced to gag out the vile taste. "What the hell is that?!" She gurgled, trying to find any liquid within reach to wash away the disgust as a malodorous smell became prominent from the goods she had the misfortune of consuming.

Giovanni nervously took the plate back before quickly handing the girl a glass of water to quench the unpleasant aftertaste. "I'm sorry! I thought I would try something different with the recipe, but I guess it was a fail..." The girl raised her eyebrow at the sugar-coated prominence of her distaste.

"What was in there?" She irritably questioned, making the boy wince slightly at her bitter response.

"Well, I thought carrot cake was a great dessert so I thought I could try making a recipe with another vegetable." His uncomfortable fidgeting and disheartened slumping softened the female's attitude as she was hit with his genuine downheartedness.

"What did you even try?" Inquiring on the ingredients, the male slightly hesitated on revealing the unbearable taste to the sweet and bitter dessert.

"Brussel sprouts." The male whispered, earning an unamused stare from the girl. Giovanni immediately threw the cake away into a nearby bin before retracting his entire body inwards in a shell of his own.

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