Chapter 28: Welcome Back

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The arrived household member stared at the fuming woman before her, failing to comprehend the reality that was weighing down on her in the form of a pair of glaring eyes. (Y/n) slowly entered the premises, hesitating on closing the door, -and her only means of escape- leaving her bare and vulnerable in front of the authoritarian figure before her.

"Hey mom..." She mutely uttered, remaining at an approximate distance from her parent as she tried to maintain a genuine enough smile to cover her guilt. She swiftly turned a glaring gaze towards the kitchen where she saw her two siblings carefully observing the situation and her confrontation. "Which one of you told her?" She aggressively hissed through clenched teeth, causing the interrogated pair to point at one another in attempts to shift any blame away from themselves.

"They have nothing to do with it." (Y/n) lightly winced at the stern and cross tone that edged between her and her analysis. "You see, I woke up this morning and thought to check on my bank account to see if you were all looking after yourselves and how much I'll be re-earning." The woman fervently tapped her foot in agitated frustration as her synthetically sweetened voice sat deadly thick in the air. "Only to see that I've been actually gaining money since I've taken a break." She tossed her face into her daughter's hidden one, forcing her to look at her annoyed features as she spoke in an indignant tone. "I thought that there was no way that my daughter would go against me and act on her own accord. Sadly, I came back to be proven wrong." The woman folded her arms, scowling at the girl who maintained her gaze situated downwards in hopes of avoiding her mother's line of sight to decimate the impact of her scolding.

"You just came from the hospital...?" The younger female questioned silently, trying not to pique her parent's already agitated temper.

"Yes! I came as soon as I realised. I didn't even give myself time to change out of the hospital gown and slippers." The woman pointed towards the floor at the pair of white, hygienic shoes that she hadn't bothered taking off before directing the girl's gaze back to her irritated features. "Frankly the ride home was not the most stylish but I was so infuriated I didn't even care." (Y/n) took a moment to process the information and before she could stop herself, the image of her mother riding the bus in hospital attire with an angry expression, like some sort of escaped mental patient made her briefly snicker out of the absurdity. "I know what you're imagining so stop it!" Her mother embarrassingly barked, causing the girl to hang her head in shame.

"Sorry ma'am..." She whispered, holding her hands tightly behind her back as she tried to comfort herself in the cornered situation. Her mother waited a moment to assess the female in front of her before groaning with frustration.

"Go to your room. I'll come up and speak to you later." The woman nodded towards the second floor of the building before turning herself around to enter the kitchen. (Y/n) pumped her feet up towards her room, merely glancing towards her siblings who were giving their condolences in sympathetic gazes.

(Y/n) was trying to distract her bustling and irritable mind with a few entertainments on her phone, only for her disoriented thoughts to linger at the very back of her consciousness, residing as the itching irritation that she could not satisfy. The girl sighed to herself before gazing out of her window, involuntarily allowing her brain to form scenarios and dialogue that would be exchanged between her and her parent.

She watched the leaves of the tree swaying gently in the placid wind, staring at the rounded stump that had formed on the side of the plant that she was facing, as though it were dismembered out of its many arms and forced to live with one large branchless. She felt her blood boil at the sight of the healed wooden limb as she glared angrily towards the covered wound before her ears perked at the sound of her door handle turning.

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