Chapter 31: Unwanted Surprises

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(Y/n) precisely focused her meticulous hands as she wiped down the cleaning liquid on the shiny window surface. After clearing away the dust particles and miniature specks of debris that resided on the smooth glass, she huffed with fatigue before immediately beginning to scrub away at the floor until the carpet began transitioning into the most pristine condition it's ever appeared in.

Since her arrival, her motivation and determination to pour as much work and attention into her job as possible had drastically increased. All her mind was allowed to focus on was her intent regime. Meanwhile, the stagnant worries and disquieted crevices of her mind were shoved away to the very back of her head. It gave her a synthetic sense of pacification as her anxiety was hampered from emerging. With making sure to clean the desk chairs and tables in the room, right after dusting every corner and almost unreachable areas of gathered particles, the environment seemed to transform into a completely renovated room.

As her hard-bristled brush dug into each strand and tuft of the carpet, she used all her strength to scrub away any impurities before dunking the brush back into the watery solution. When she neared finishing the soft layer of the ground, she was allowed to feel the strain and lactic acid built up in her active muscles, causing her arms to slightly burn. She ignored the soreness and continued finishing off her work without presenting much care to her fatiguing body.

(Y/n) released the breath inside her lungs once she finished off the last corner of the ground cover. The girl took the moment of rest to gather her last scraps of stamina. When the female tried to stand herself up, she immediately felt her knees giving up on her and forcing her to stay back down. Even after using the wall as a supporting structure, she was barely able to grip on with her tired hands before sliding to the floor again.

She damned herself once she realised the dilemma weighing on her. 'Not getting a second of rest last night and then planning on overworking myself for today is really starting to backfire.' As she made a last attempt to heave herself into her feet, she experienced a searing pang in her head. As though her brain had tripled in weight, the girl felt her mind pressing her to the clean floor.

Running on the last bit of energy, her body refused to endure any more strain, causing her to lean her form against the wall where she felt the first sense of rest in a long while. Despite one part of her mind protesting against her functions shutting down, another voice inside her was soothing her with the promise of serenity and rejecting any more subjection to labour. Eventually, she was led to simply relax her aching structure and welcome the warmth of the radiating sunlight that began peeking through the spotless windows. The thermal radiation replicated the sensation of covers wrapping around her stilted form, keeping her comforted and content with the atmosphere.

Her consciousness began fluttering away, feeling a slow shutdown of her motor functions, the worker was left to indulge in her more tempted side. 'I'll just take a rest for a few minutes...' As her resolve began drowning in her state of exhaustion, the girl completely embraced her needed break as her eyelids automatically closed to grant her the privilege of sleep.

A delicate scent of spices and freshly mixed goods circulated through the air. A light clinking symphony resonated into the muffled hearing of the resting body. As the peace in her blank mind began echoing with chinks and her senses were invaded with the new smells, her consciousness began stirring.

(Y/n)'s eyes slowly began opening. As her vision became unobstructed, her attention was drawn towards the items being placed in front of her sedated body. After her eyesight managed to clear away the drowsiness, her concentration developed, allowing her to witness the scene in front of her.

Looking towards the ground, she noticed hands laying down a plate of freshly prepared food in front of her. She stared at the delectable meal for a few seconds, realising how large her appetite had become after not being in the mood to stomach anything. Her eyes trailed up the arms of the individual that granted her the polite offering, only to find one of the unlikeliest males to be performing the courteous gesture. "Padraig?" The name didn't seem too correct to be associated with the implicit actions, however, her eyes were wide awake after making the discovery.

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