Chapter 13: A Date

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(Y/n) let out a shaken sigh as she transmitted the last of the porcelain shards in a garbage bag from her small broom. The girl had attempted to concentrate her distracted mind on her job while consequently trying to block out Gennai's open threat with a dismissing attitude. But it wouldn't take long before her subconsciousness would revert back to the boy's warning on occasion.

She inspected the polished ground for any signs of left-over food splatter or specks of sharp pieces of broken plates. Concluding her job to have been finished with, the girl could afford to proudly smile at herself for another day of achievements. (Y/n) took out her schedule to look over any other tasks she was assigned. 'The garden? There's no way I'll be doing anything outside the building in this weather...' She sighed, folding the schedule back up to place it in her bag before realising her belongings were not around her person.

Looking about herself, she made the logical conclusion to have left them in Seok's room during her clean up. The female began making her way up the stairs towards the bedroom, noting the hour on her phone that displayed the relatively good timing she would be out of her shift.

Once on the second floor, she quickly ran to the male's room, feeling an unnerved sensation as her footsteps disturbed the silence of the corridor. 'It's the beginning of summer and it's starting off with rain...hope Mai is back home by now.' As the girl halted in front of the bedroom door, gently knocking, and called out for permission to be allowed in.

After a few moments of patient expectancy, she sighed before opening the quarters up herself. Once she entered she immediately spotted the bag on a table, awaiting for its owner to reclaim it. The girl checked around her surroundings to spot any sign of the boy that would otherwise inhabit the room. However, the empty bed indicated the male's absence.

She picked up her belongings before making a quick job at tidying the bed covers as she inspected the rest of the interior to finalise her work. 'Everything in the bedroom is sorted...' She jogged towards the bathroom to do her last rundown as she gazed around the tiled room. 'Everything seems fine in here...huh?' (Y/n) quickly caught sight of an anomaly in the aesthetic as her eyes were caught by a certain dark sheet draped over a reflective surface. The female became hesitant as she analysed the covering, uncertain of why it had been placed over again. The girl reluctantly stepped in to unwrap the material from the mirror, placing it to the side as she stared back at her own reflection. 'Hm, feels weird seeing myself as a worker now that I have a job...' She commented in her head before stepping out of the bathroom to reenter the corresponding room.

(Y/n) opened up the entrance to the bedroom, stepping out at the perfect moment to spot a certain blond, soaked from head to toe, walking her way, creating a road of raindrops in his path. The girl felt her own skin chilling at the sight of the wet boy as he made his way towards his room. The female stepped back to allow him to enter the his quarters, simply giving a concerned look.

"You ok there? You're absolutely drenched..." She murmured, the guilt catching up to her as she was reminded it was partly her doing. Seok gave her a regarding glance before a thoughtfulness entered his senses.

"The outside is cold..." Remarking the obvious condition of the outdoors, he ran his hands through his dripping hair to shake off some excess water.

"Try again when the weather's a bit different." The girl encouraged as she bid the male her departure. (Y/n) turned around to retrace her steps back to the main entrance. Walking around the corner, she spotted a large, black bag places by a room.

Upon closer inspection, she concluded the bedroom to belonged to her red-eyed assailant that had mercilessly intimidated her in their last encounter. Approaching the bag with couscous curiosity, the girl half expected to see a corpse in the black carrier as she feared for her wellbeing. However, once she opened up the contents of the inside, she could only see dozens of empty juice boxes piled in. The female formed a recognition towards the brand as she was reminded over witnessing the boy drinking the refreshment on a few occasions.

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