Chapter 11: Comforts And Threats

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(Y/n) pushed the door open with eager excitement, dragging the boy she had latched onto, along with her. The girl was immediately hit by a delectable scent hovering in the air to greet anyone who entered the area with its warm welcome.

"Smells so nice! Was someone cooking in here?" The female gathered the inclinations of the stewing pots placed on burning stoves as small wafts of steam emerge from their closed tops. She approached the steaming goods to receive a more prominent aroma of the brewing food.

"Must have been Chef..." Giovanni approached the stove to check up on the cooking goods and their condition. Once he noted that potatoes were boiling inside the large, circular holder, an immediate idea of an addition popped in his mind. The girl noticed his eyes selectively analysing the pot in consideration before a spark flashed into his optics, incentivising him to approach a large, rectangular structure with passionate excitement.

Upon pulling the handle of the metallic door, a wave of cold air entered the vacancy of the area. The girl looked around to see the fridge's depth and size to compare it to her own small room. She intriguingly watched the male take out numerous vegetables and balance them in one arm while the other worked on closing the door and reaching towards a drawer.

The female carefully assessed him while he worked on lining the goods on the counter before taking down a chopping board. He began mechanically placing each vegetable in an orderly fashion to take a turn on the wooden surface before his hand guided the thin blade of the knife to smoothly slice over the tomatoes, pepper, onions and garlic with unbelievable speed amidst his motions. (Y/n) found herself staring at the boy's expert work as well as the enjoyable atmosphere that emitted from his lifted mood. Giovanni soon took down a pan from the hanging cutlery and items to set it at the stove to simmer.

"(Y/n), please place only the garlic in the pan and don't let it burn." He handed the female a plate of all the chopped up vegetable while he moved over to a different counter to take out a chunk of cheese from a box. (Y/n) hesitantly followed the commanding instructions and only separated the garlic into the frying pan, watching it sizzle and emit a strong odour that failed to actually irritate her eyes.

As Giovanni approached his assistant after a few seconds, he placed down a plate of ground-up cheese before proceeding to stir the cooking onions, adding the rest of the pieces of vegetables into the pan, mixing the goods together into their natural juices and flavours. 'Amazing...he's on fire.' The female stared at the energised movements as the engrossed male flew around the kitchen to emerge with a jar of sauce while checking up on each cooking ingredient.

Giovanni added the creamy substance into the pan before stirring all of the products to allow their relishing taste to combine. "A simple lunch." He quickly took out a pair of large plates from one of the cupboards, placing them down to occupy his hands with tongs that submerged into the boiling pot of water to retrieve a softened, heated potato. "I hope you're as hungry as you said, or else I'll be dining for two." He joked, stealthily placing the malleable vegetable on the chopping board where he slowly applied pressure with his knife to the centre of the food, cutting through it like butter.

Once satisfied with the result, he placed the halved pieces on either plate, proceeding to distribute the sauce between the two platters before finishing the look off by topping the warm potato off with the shredded cheese. (Y/n) felt her stomach relentlessly clutching in pained desperation to receive the hot food. She swallowed down the coat of hungry saliva, withholding herself from promptly snatching the plate away from the skilful boy.

"Perfetto! Hope this is fitting to your taste." He considerately smiled at the hungry girl, holding out her share of the lunch by the prepared plate. The female gratefully took it and dug around to quickly find utensils with which to devour the meal. Finding the cutlery necessary, she began gladly diving into the lunch, allowing the experience to seize her.

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